Chapter 2

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"Wah~~!!!" Their eyes sparkle as we drove passed by the sea. I giggled at the adorable reaction and patted their heads.

"You just wait and we'll be visiting the beach soon." I said. They all gave me a very excited answer as they jump up and down on the car sit.

"Miss White, we have arrived." Fumatsuki said.

The luggage's was put down. The 4 toddler's are very excited and were the first one to hop out of the car. As I was busy unloading the car, I lost sight of Satomi.

"S-Satomi?" Frantically, started looking around for her. I spotted her running towards the entrance, but after that there is this crossing road before you reach the main entrance of the airport. "Fumatsuki-san, please take care of my siblings for a while I need to catch the other one." "Yes ma'am"

I started running, my heartbeat being abnormal due to nervousness. I grab a hold of her tiny hand before a car could hit her. She looked at me confused, the attention of most people who were about to cross lead their eyes on to us. A hint of relief could be seen on their eyes.

I panted hard before I could speak. It feels like I've run a thousand mile just to catch her. "Satomi!" Out of the blue I shouted her name. She was shocked and was about to cry when I suddenly hugged her. "Don't ever do that again, you're gonna make Nee-chan worried." I carried her onto my arms trying to calm her down. "I-I'm sowwy Onee-chan." Letting out a soft sigh, I looked at her. She couldn't make an eye contact.

"I'm sorry Nee-chan yelled at you. But next time don't go on your own, okay? Nee-chan won't be happy if something bad happen to you." She looked at me and gave her a reassuring smile that I wasn't mad anymore.

"Nee-chan, nee-chan!!" Came in the other three. I kneel down at them and patted their heads to wash of the concerned look on their face. "Don't worry, Satomi-chan is okay." I smiled. The concern look was soon replace by happy faces especially Satomi. "Chu must hold on to us, Sato-chan." Said Emiru. "Un!" She nodded and the four of them hold hands. "They grow up so fast." I paused and look at Fumatsuki-san. "Don't you think, Nee-chan?" I smiled at her then walk towards the quadruplets.

"Yes indeed, imouto." She whispered with a smile painted on her face and soon followed us.

We then soon boarded on the plane. Everyone was properly seated. I told them if they behave I'll soon give them a reward for being good boys and girls. I sat on the second row, first class. Same goes to the others. Satomi and Hansuke sat next to my right side while Fumatsuki, Emiru and Akio sat on the left side.

All flight attendants were busy helping the other boarders.

"Hello   dear   passengers ,  this   is your captain speaking. In about 15 minutes we're about to take off. Our dear flight attendants will assist you on the safety procedures before taking off. Thank you. And enjoy the ride."

I help Satomi and Hansuke buckle their sit belts. Fumatsuki helped Emiru and Akio. In any minute the plane lifted above the sky. The look on the kids were scared and trying to be brave just to impress me. They looked at me and gave them a smile that they did a great job.

'It'll be a long hour for us, huh?' I glanced at the other kids who had drifted to sleep. Fumatsuki placing some pillow around their neck.

"You should get some rest too, Gaile-sama." She said while handing me 3 spare pillows. I looked at her. "W-What about you?" "Don't worry about me, I have my spare." She smiled. "Hehe, souka"

After placing the pillows for the kids beside me and mine, my eyes started to feel heavy. I let out a soft yawn and was softly drifted away by sleep.

*time skip brought to you by Jaehwan Kim!"

I woke up by the voice of the captain's announcement that were near on landing.

"Fuwah! Ah, I'm so tired. Even tho it was a long sleep but it still not enough." I said. Satomi and Hansuke was still sleeping in my arms.

"Nee-chan." Greeted by Satomi who was rubbing her eyes. "Ohayou!" I smiled.

"Ma'am they're here." I looked at Fumatsuki's direction. To my surprise, "Ah! Takeda-san." I greeted happily waving my right hand.

"Oh my goodness, is that you Gaile-sama?" "Yup, the one and only." I felt a tug on my pants. 4 shy toddlers who wanted to be introduce. "Hansuke, Emiru, Satomi and Akio, this is Takeda-san. Mother's most trusted maid." I smiled.

"H-Hello, Take-san/Un!/Hello!" They greeted. "What cute little children! Have you been good boys and girls to your sister?" She asked, despite at her age she knelt down to be at the same level as them. "Hai!!!"

"Everyone at the manor is waiting."

"I see. Then we must be going."

The body guards that came along carried the luggages that we brought. The 4 went inside the car Takeda-san, Fumatsuki-san and I soon followed.

"Gaile-sama, the people that are willing to buy the old mansion wants to see you." Takeda said looking at with quite seriousness. "I see. Who are this people?"

"The old investors of the company. As of hearing the new owner of the Gaming Company is young, they thought of us as, incompetent. I do apologize, but should you allow this disrespectful thought of you pass?" Fumatsuki added.

"You are right." I agreed. "But, that's what others see, we can't deal with what people choose. Instead let's show them that they're wrong. After all, what they've let go, they surely will come back."

"I see." - Fumatsuki

"As soon as I found an idea on what kind of new game that I shall release, Father's company will be back on track. For now, I need to talk to the new buyer of the mansion. And please while I'm at it, Takeda-san lead my siblings to the new house make sure to let them rest well before playing." I smiled.

Looking at the four who are happily playing with each other, my worries disappeared. As long as I have them, no matter how shitty this world is. It'll be nothing.

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