Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes, waking up from a dream. Where I live happily with my family. Where I can feel the sincere love and care that I always wanted. But of course, it was only a dream. An old picture was place beside my bed. I feel irritated, so I grab the photo and put it inside the drawer.

I did the usual routine. I comb my hair to at least look professional in front of class. As a finishing touch, I neatly fixed the ribbon that matches the uniform's design. A knock on the door can be heard, and so enter goes the person who knocked.

"Gaile-sama, your brother's and sister's are also prepared. Everyone's breakfast is ready." Fumatsuki informed and left the room.

I let out a soft sigh and exited my room. Noises from kids playing was all I could hear from the living room. As soon as they saw me...

"Nee-chan!!!" Came all running towards me. I giggled and knelt down to their sizes.

"A promise is a promise, right?" I smiled to everyone. "Yay!" They all cheered and hug me. "When we get there, promise me to behave while nee-chan is at school." "Hai! Pwomise to behave." They said in unison. I slightly laugh at their enthusiasm as they hurriedly went to the dining table to eat their fill.

"Gaile-sama, your lunches are ready. I do say, please eat well during your lunch period." Takeda said and placed the lunch boxes on top of the kitchen counter.

Everyone ate well. The four entered the car and I followed after.

"Fumatsuki-san." I called.


"Hire someone to know what kind of whereabouts does Matsuoka-san do. And fix my schedule for my visitation in the office."

"Yes ma'am."

The car drove away from the house. The kids were playing with each. And I was focusing on the papers I was holding.

'The funds went down as expec–'

"Nee-chan, are they good kids like us?" Satomi asked.

"Of course they are. They are nice too. I want you all to be nice to them as well, okay?"


The driver stopped knowing we had arrive to our destination. It was still quite early. 5:20 a.m. It's my first time being on a club. I spent my entire life alone. I had no friends to where I continued to grew up, I had no friends there like every normal kids.

We all went to the daycare room.  Before we could eneter someone's already there.

"Hello?" Sliding the door open to reveal Kashima Ryuuichi and Kotaro.


"Ah, Good morning Gaile-san." He greeted. He stopped cleaning. Kotaro came running towards me. "Nee-chan!" I carried him on to my arms and smiled at him.

"Kotaro-chan, Ryuuichi-kun good morning." I pointed out to my siblings who are shyly hiding behind me, especially Satomi.

"These are my quadruplets. Emiru White, Satomi White, Akio White and Hansuke White. Guys, say hello to Ryuu-niichan and Kotaro-chan." I smiled.

"H-hello." They shyly wave. Ryuu-kun greeted them warmly, Kotaro nodded.

"Ryuu-niichan!" A call from a distance, it was Taka-kun. "Oh, ah, Gaile-neechan is here!"

"Good morning Taka-kun."

"Oi, Taka. Don't go of running you idiot."

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