Chapter 11

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"Ryuuichi-kun are you joining laters dance practice?"

"Maybe. I don't know if I could, cause you know, about Kotaro."

"You can dance him instead, right Kotaro?"


We were at the daycare room, waiting for the others arrival.

"Nee-chan you were so cool last night." - Emiru

"Un! Un! So cool." - Hansuke

"Nee-chan, can I be like you when I grow up?" - Satomi

"You can't be like her. Cause you're always shy." - Akio

"I am not!" - Satomi

"Oi, oi. No fighting. Akio apologize to Satomi. It doesn't mean Satomi is shy doesn't mean she can't be like me. Everyone can have their dreams come true if you truly believe in yourself." I gave them a gentle kiss on the forehead and ruffled their hairs.

"I'm sorry, Satomi."

"Its okie. I will help you too. We'll rescue a princess one day."

I smiled at my siblings. That's what it should be. They should always learn how to love each other.

Usaida-san came before the bell could ring. Me and Ryuuichi took off our aprons and went in to class.

I slightly yawn as the class starts. I haven't rested well this past two days again, as of the company planned to celebrate the successful launching of the new gaming system, Gakuen Babysitters. The people who downloaded this game was really amaze as of they get to bond with their family and had inspired their kids to be lovable to their younger siblings. In two days we wasted from just planning the venue, the hotel expenses and in case we've chosen a nice place. Of course most of them couldn't afford it yet. So I took everything, its on the house.

I took care of the unfinished projects before we even start the celebration. We planned to go there on my siblings birthday. Of course I invited everyone, I mean everyone, Mamizuka family, Kumatsuka family, Sawatari family, Kamitani family, Usaida-san, Ryuuichi-kun and Kotaro. Added guests are Maria-chan, Yuki-chan, Yagi-kun, and Nezu-kun. Chairwoman can't come as she is going to attend a very important meeting of hers.

'The company's planning to be bankrupt already.' I was deep in thought when someone called me.

"Oi. Are you planning to share your text book or what?" Said Hayato. "You could've at least ask politely."

We moved our tables together. The usual Hayato that mostly doesn't pay attention was reading to text by text. I tried holding back a laugh and he notice it. "Why are you laughing?" He asked, slightly annoyed. "I'm not." I answered.

"Yes you are."

"Well this is very unusual of you to do. Paying attention."

"Ah, that's because you're here."

'So blunt!?' I let out a slight blush. And that put me into silent. He simply enjoying my reaction by showing that smug look on his face. If only my feelings weren't that weak, he won't be able to win this fight.

"Hmmp." I focused on the board and started writing down notes.

*break time*

"Gaile-chan, how come your so close to Kamitani?" Emiya asked. "Well that's because his my childhood friend." I said.

"Eh?! Really?!" - Suzuki

"I'm jealous ~!" Futaba

"You could always ask for his friendship." I paused for a bit. "Or maybe not."

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