Chapter 4

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"Ngah." I suddenly opened my eyes as I feel a heavy weight on my chest. "Nee-chan's wake!!!" Celebrated by the four and continued to cuddle under the blanket. "Ah, good morning Emiru, Satomi. Good morning Akio, Hansuke." I smiled and cuddled along with them.

"Good morning Gaile-sama." Greeted by Fumatsuki as she enters the room. "I see that your siblings have awoken you up."

"Yeah. I was wondering, how many staffs did you hire Fumatsuki-san?" I suddenly ask, standing up and walking towards my closets.

"There are about 6 security guards during day time and night shift." She said. "Are they the same guards during the night shift? We cannot damage their health that'll be hard for the family that they are supporting."

"Of course not Gaile-sama."

"Hmm, jaa... What about the maids?" I asked as I set aside the clothes I grabbed. "Four maids are recruited and are staying here." She added. "In total there are, 16 staffs."

"Nee-chan, nee-chan. Em hungwy." Emiru pouted holding her chubby tum-tum. "Me too, me too." The rest added. "Then lets all go eat breakfast." I smiled.

We all went downstairs. I carried Akio and Hansuke while Emiru and Satomi insist that they can walk on their own cause they're big girls already, I giggled at the statement and agreed to let them do what they want.

"Gaile-sama, breakfast is ready." Takeda informed us. She was still beautiful even though she's getting old.

"Thank you. I would be happy though if you could all join us for breakfast." I offered, they smiled at me.

"Thank you Gaile-sama." Another maid spoke. "But we shall pass for now. After all we'd like to see you enjoy eating your food, as of for a long time you've get to eat Japanese dishes again." She giggled.

"Ah, I guess your right. It does look delicious." I looked at my siblings and saw their eyes sparkle at how adorable the decoration were. "Go on you guys. And don't forget to say..." I paused.

"Itadakimasu~!!!" We said in unison. They enjoyed their meal, it was obvious by their compliments.

"Uwah! Nee-chan its yummy." - Akio
"Yummy!" - Emiru

"Fumatsuki-san, I'll be going on for a walk. I'll be fine on my own."

"Yes, ma'am. Shall I help them prepare for your siblings change of clothes?"

"Yes, of course." I smiled. The breakfast went well. I think that I'll have a great day today. I went for a shower, brushed my teeth, dry my hair and comb it.

My choice of style for today is a pink hoodie, a white shirt inside, above the knee black short, a white crew sock and a black high cut shoes.

"Nee-chan." A voice called out from a distant. I turned my head and look down from where the voice was coming from. "What is it, Hansuke?" I kneeled down to try to match up his sized. I gave him a smile and a little pinch on the cheek. How adorable he is.

"Umm, can Hansu-chan come? Promise to behave." He looked at me and was hoping I'd say yes. Ohh! I don't want to stay no to such face. But...

"I'm sorry Hansu-chan, but you can't come with me today." I half heartedly smile. He frown and started fiddling his finger. "I promise myself to look for a friend to Hansuke-chan and the others." He looked back up and showed me a happy smile.

"Really?" He asked. "Yes." I replied. "And if I successfully found one, I promise to bring you all four." I carried Hansuke in my arms and looked for the playroom where everybody else is. Then I place him down. "Behave, okay? Don't cause trouble to Fumatsuki-san." "Un!" He ran off and played with the others.

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