Chapter 12

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"Ahh!! I can't believe that is today."

"I know right? Its the most awaited day of our lives. And will be able to dance with them."

"I can't wait to dance Yagi-kun."

"Me too, me too."

"Maybe later I'll be able to confess to Nezu-kun."

"Ehhh? Really? Who are you going to ask out later?"

"Bro! Bro! Don't chicken out later. HAHAHAHAHA."

"I'll ask her then afterwards."

You're not mistaken. Its the Valentine dance night. The most controversial topic of today, tomorrow and another day. Until the day that they'll forget missing the chance of asking someone out. I have to admit....

I can't really relate on their enthusiasm.

'Is Inomata-san planning on dancing later? How bout Yuki? Who is she planning to dance with?' My mind was starting to hurt a little as I filled my head with lame question. I sighed and just continued walking through the busy hallways.

"Ah! There she is!"


I encountered a very energetic trio. Emiya, Suzuki, and Futaba-chan, Yuki was sitting on her desk.

"G-Good morning. What seems to be the problem?" I plainly ask after I calmed myself down from being surprise by them.

"Ne, we're just wondering..." - Suzuki

"???" I tilted my head waiting for her next sentence.

"Who're you planning to dance with?" Their eyes sparkle in anticipation. I sweat drop at the asked question and trying to find my best way to avoid it.

"Can you guys let me take my sit first?" I walked my way to my respective sit and they followed like a lost dog. Their face, waiting for an answer. "I-I-I plan t-to dance withhhh..."

"She's going with me."

"H-Hayato?" - Gaile

Everyone took a moment of silent. The usual Kamitani Hayato would never show or say his own choices rather than his action was the blunt part.

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