Chapter 6

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"Ne Gaile-san, do you have a talent in particular?" Yuki Ushimaru asked. "Yes I do have a talent. Why?"

"Well, there's going to be a Festival of Talents about next month, February. Each class or year level should have at least one or 2 participants, either group or solo. One for dancing and one for singing. Whoever the winners of the competition will perform on Valentines day. Dancing of partners was only allowed giving of chocolate is still not." She explains.

"Eh, that's too bad... So is this like a prom dance?" They all nodded. Hearing about the chocolate thing is a bummer. "Well I can participate. I'll be the representative of this class." I smiled. "Oh thank goodness. Thank you, Gaile-san." "No problem."

"So, what kind of talent do you have?" A girl asked. "Well I can sing and play a guitar. Maybe I'll use those talents." I said.

"Well that's great, you should at least prepare 2 songs."

"Yeah, sure." The bell rang it was time for the afternoon class. Everyone went back to their sits and in goes the teacher.

'Man. My schedules are fully book. You couldn't even have fun especially when you're carrying a company.' I sighed softly and focused my attention.

*time skip, club activities*

During the afternoon, 2hrs of club activities were given everyday in case there are students who took two clubs. Hayato is a member of the Baseball club and Daycare. He said he'll follow us soon, right after his practice. So me and Ryuuichi went to the daycare room. Ryuuichi slide the door open and everybody greeted us with enthusiasm. Unfortunately, Usaida-san was slacking off again.

"Ryuu-niichama, Gaile-neechama. Let's play." Kirin-chan insisted.

"Let's play, let's play!/Un, play." Kazuma and Takuma added.

Me and Ryuu wore our aprons and played with them. Ryuu in particular was the monster, and I was part of Taka-kun's Ranger team. The kids successful defeated Ryuu-kun the monster and was left wounded by the attacks of the kids.

"I'm back." The voice said. Hayato arrived. "Ehh. You're here again niichan." Taka complain. "What? Do you have a problem with that?"

"Niichan you meanie!!!"

"Do always have to be mean to your brother? His just a kid." I said. Hayato didn't say anything. By the looks of it, this is a way to communicate Taka-kun. In a slight harsh way. He said that he doesn't like or hate Taka-kun. But Taka-kun misunderstood it and started to cry. I sighed.

I went towards, Satomi, Kotaro, Emiru and Kirin-chan who are playing. "What are you cooking Kirin-chan?" I asked. "I'm making bento for my kids." She said. I softly giggled on how mature she thinks sometimes. I asked her if I could join in. And she said yes, I'll be one of her kids.

In the middle of playing. I received a phone call. It was Fumatsuki-san. I went outside and answered the phone.

"Hello, Fumatsuki-san."

"Gaile-sama, your visitation for tomorrow is 8 a.m. The employees would like to see you also and would like to ask if there was any changes."

"Ah, is that so? Thank you Fumatsuki-san."

"And one more thing Gaile-sama. I was informed by the spy I hired."

"Oh? And what is that?"

"He knows that he can't take the company by force. If he can't do so, he'll do anything until the GEM company flooded out of sight."

I clenched my fist in pure anger. Matsuoka-san, you bastard. Stepping on me down to the ground.

"I know he yearns for the company to be his, unfortunately, father doesn't trust him. If it cost anything, stop it. I don't mean war, but if anything bad happens to anyone..."

"Yes understood. Please Gaile-sama don't do anything irrational. It'll be my guilt if anything bad happens to you. And I can't let that happen."

I sighed softly. "Okay I won't. I just wanted him to make him taste his own medicine."

"Very well then."

"Fumatsuki-san, come with me tomorrow at the mall. I wanted to buy a new guitar."


The call ended and I went back inside. I accidentally trip over my other foot and fall down at Ryuuichi's back.


"I'm sorry Ryuuichi-kun, it was stupid of me to trip on myself." I blushed deeply. How embarrassing!!

"It's okay Gaile-san. Be careful next time." He smiled and dusted off himself.

It was already noon. Ryuuichi and Kotaro went home and so are the others. Hayato helped me carried my sleeping siblings. I was carrying Akio and Satomi and Hayato carries Hansuke and Emiru, while Taka is on the back of Hayato, holding tight. The car already arrived and Hayato placed them gently and buckled their sit belts.

"Thanks Haya-chan." I smiled.

"Idiot, don't call me that." He patted my head and I continued to smiled despite the embarrassment I feel.

"Goodbye Taka-kun, Bye Haya-chan." I waved off.

"Bye, bye Gaile-neechan."

I went inside of the car and off we go. It was a comforting quietness. Everyone is resting after a long day of fun. We soon have arrived at the manor. The maids carried my sleeping siblings and put them to bed. I took a shower and change into my pajamas.

I went to my desk and made a few research about what are the top trending games this year. It seems like people are into strategic theme.

Then afterwards checked the old games that the company have published. Updating is slow or still on progress.

"Tch." I stopped for a minute and took a deep breath.

"You can't sleep?"

"Fumatsuki-san. I'm tired." I complained.

"I understand. Don't pressure yourself too much Gaile-sama." She said. She started to comb my hair and tied it into a braid.

"I'm sorry this has given you headaches and hard time for 17 years."

"Nonsense Gaile. This job of taking care of all of you will never be a nauseous to me." She patted my head  softly. "Please take your rest, Gaile-sama." She peacefully left the room.

'I wish all of this problem will soon be over.'

I stood up and went to bed.

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