Chapter 10

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"At what hour is the event, Gaile-san?"

"Ah, I think this afternoon."

"Nee-chan, I want to watch."

"Me too, me too."


We're spending our morning at the daycare room. Everyone was busy decorating the hall ways and pathways. It was a special occasion that oftenly happens. We're doing the decorations as well. The kids were enjoying putting giant stickers on the wall, Ryuuichi and Kotaro were sweeping the floor, me and Hayato were hanging the cut out cupid.

"You aren't the perfect partner for this job." Hayato teased. "Shut up!"

"Ahhh, lovers quarrel, are we?" Usaida-san added. "W-What? When did you even think of that, Usaida-san?"

"Maa. The three ladies were talking about what happened between you two yesterday. Shizuka-sensei seems to be pretty excited about it." He explained. "They can't tell what you were talking about from a far."

'They jumped to conclusion already?'
I sighed deeply. "Well they got the wrong idea, right Hayato?" I looked at Hayato and was waiting for an answer, but sadly he ignored it. "At least support me or anything, you cyborg!" I pouted. Ryuuichi-kun chuckled.

After a few minutes...

"And were done." I smiled. "Good job everyone." I kneeled down and raised my hand to pat their heads.

"Gaile-neechama, when the Valentine's come, will you give us chocolates?" Kirin-chan asked.

"Un, give...chocolate?" - Takuma

"You know, nee-chan makes the most yummy chocolate." - Hansuke

"Un, un!" - Satomi

"Maa, maa. I promise to give you chocolates on Valentine's day... If you promise me that you'll brush your teeth properly after you ate them."

"Hai/Abu~!" They were all excited, too excited to be precise.

I was given permission to do my practice at the daycare room, Hayato went to his baseball club for practice.

"Oohh! Gaile-neechama knows how to play a music?" - Kirin-chan

"Gaile-neechan, can you sing for us?" - Taka

"You know, Nee-chan's voice is beautiful when she sings." - Emiru

"Hai, hai. Everyone should wait." - Usaida-san

"Well okay, I was going to sing anyway." I smiled and picked up my guitar.

Ivy with you - Wanna One

(Just imagine it is sang in a female voice. Thank you.)

Everyone clapped their hands in amazement. "Gaile-neechan... 'Mazing." Kotaro said. I giggled at everyone's praises.

The participants were called at the gymnasium for a rehearsal. Everyone was feeling excited and nervous at the same time, while I was feeling some mixed emotion.

"Don't be too nervous." The person patted my back. "Its only a rehearsal. Its not the main thing."

"Hayato." I sighed. "Thanks."

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