Chapter 8

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I forgot to informed that I'll be adding names so I won't be describing 'this girl and that girl' all the time.

"White-san!" I woke up from a loud thud. Its been 3 weeks since I started attending class at Morinomiya Academy. Everyone was quite shock that I have a side like, dozing off, attending class with a messy hair, and forgetfulness. But despite that, they liked it. At least they were relieve that I'm not those fake people out there.

I recently met Inomata Maria-san, the one from the special class. Yuki and Maria are a bit obvious on having a crush on Ryuuichi-kun. I can't blame them, Ryuuichi has a nice character.

I stood up from my seat and apologized from dozing off. I've been staying up late for quite a time now, I've been checking out the newly updated games that were far left behind, fixing the bugs that affects the storage system, attending late night meetings, and approving for the investors that has good background status. Of course we don't want any people like that bastard, Matsuoka Habiki. Tch. I think he shut up his mouth when he finally realized that this company won't go down as he expected.

It regained a high status and as of inspiring kids, teens and college student because of me. A mere child could handle such risky task that most people failed. Within a few days, the game will soon be release.

It was break time. 2 more class and I'm good for lunch. I yawned and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"Gaile-san, what seems to be the problem? You're quite dozing off this past few days." Emiya asked. I yawned, yet again.

"Ah, I'm sorry guys. I got no proper rest this past few days." I said.

"Then you should at least rest when you got the time or during your free time." Said Hayato handing me ice cold coffee. "Here." "Thanks." I smiled.

"That's odd of Kamitani."

"Argh! I should've thought of that earlier for White-san."

"Will get it next time."

This 'friends' of Ryuuichi and Hayato are awfully weird.

The bell rang and it was time for third period. And I must stop dozing off.

*time skip for lunch break*

I yawned again. We were heading towards the daycare room. "Man, I can't believe I dozed off again." Ryuuichi chuckled. "Maybe you should rest later at the club activities. Kamitani said he doesn't have practice for today, right?" I looked at Hayato.

"Maah, I guess I can look out for the kids, but you owe me one for that." He said. "Nah, I haven't been spending some time with my siblings and I can see that they're quite upset about it." "I'm sure they'll come to understand it." Ryuuichi added.

We arrived at the daycare room and we received a warm greeting from them. I baked an apology cake for everyone, especially for the kids that I recently neglecting because of my busy schedule.

"Maa maa, this cake looks delicious." Usaida-san. "Abu~!" Midori-chan agreed.

"Well made this for everyone. I've been causing problems lately and I haven't had the free time to play with the kids. I'm sorry everyone. I'm sorry Satomi, Emiru, Akio and Hansuke."

"It's okay nee-chan, we know nee-chan is busy." They smiled at me and patted my hands. I giggled and gave them a tight hug.

"Maa, I told you that she is busy." Taka said.

"Its okay Gaile-neechama, promise to play with us next time." Kirin said.

"Un! I promise." I made a pinky promise to everyone.

The cake was soon distributed to everyone. "Oi Gaile, this better be not poisonous." Hayato teased while keeping a straight face.

I puffed my cheeks and glared at him. "Well I should've put one in yours."

Everyone enjoyed the cake I made. And I get to see those happy face of them again.

Lunch was over, me and Hayato went back into class. Ryuuichi said he'll catch up and had to do something very important. I was feeling a bit dizzy and I quickly grab a hold of Hayato's arm. Hayato jolted in surprised. "Oi Gaile, are you okay?" He asked. He then hold both of arms to support me. I nodded in reply.

"You don't feel good at all. Your face is all red." "Tch." I suddenly put my face onto his chest and shook my head. A cold hand suddenly touched my neck.

"Your burning Gaile. Let's get you to the nurse's office." He carried me all the way to the infirmary and placed me down to an empty bed. He explained my situation to the nurse. Then afterwards I got taken cared of.

"You should at least sleep, Gaile." Hayato said. He was sitting right beside the bed. "You do know this is not a hospital, right." He slightly laughed. You don't oftenly see a Kamitani Hayato smile or laugh. But his smile and laugh are always heartwarming to me. Ever since we met, I was the only person that get to see this side of him.

"I thought you lost your teeth. Cause recently you don't laugh or smile. Did you miss being around me?" I weakly laughed. "You idiot. Don't say stupid things." He gently patted my head.

"Thank you again for taking care of me." I smiled widely. "Its been a long time. I miss the way you took care of me when we were little. Mother would always give you her all out thanks whenever she sees you."

Silence took over the place. It was a comforting one too. Hayato kept patting my head like he use to do and I kept on holding his sleeves until I fell asleep.

At the end of the day, Hayato told me that he called Fumatsuki-san. I saw a very worried Fumatsuki Mika. Hayato then again carried me to the car. I told everyone to stop worrying and told them I'll be alright in no time.

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