One unbelievable Guy (Tom Hidldeston Fan Fic)

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I was dreading this plain ride. God how I hate plains. The tacking off was horrible.... We got off to a really bumpy start.... Not to mention I threw up! Flying to London from california.... Not a great idea... I tried to sleep... Didn't work out to well. Just gave me time to think...

"Okay this plain ride won't be too bad. When I get there I can start my new acting job and everything will be okay. I am moving in with my two best friend! How much fun! Then again my friends get a little crazy."

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by my phone going off

Wow! I only had two hours left. Thank God!

I got a text from a random number-

'I got rid of the body.'

'Ha Ha Ha... Who is this?' I replied

'Darn... You always get me!! Well I met a hot guy and his friend at a bar! Cant wait for you to meet him... He's perfect for you! Love you -Sidney'

My friends alway do this to me! Sidney and Kaiden are the two people I have to live with now... Great.

Suddenly the plain jolted forward and we arrived in London. Check out was supper easy! I got my three suit cases and called for a taxi. The ride to my new home was quick to. Taking the three suitcase up two flights of stairs... Not so quick.

I put the key in the door and opened it. The apartment was good sized. The door opened to the living room. The kitchen was to my right and dinning room, even though it was just a table and four chairs, was to my left. If you walked past the living room there was a hallway to the left and a hallway to the right. To the left were Kaiden and Sidney's rooms. I went to the right there was a bathroom and my room.

Ha! I get my own bathroom!  

My room was small but I had a queen sized bed, closet and nightstand. I unpacked my suitcase in the closet and picked out an outfit to wear to meet this guy.

I got another text

'hey meet us at the pub right out side the apartment' -Sidney

'Okay be there in five.'

I looked in the mirror.

My long brown curly hair flowed to my left side. My light blue cocktail dress really brought out my eyes. I wore my blue covers though, that kinda ruined it but I always wear them!

I grabbed my purse and ran out the door exited to meet this new guy.


So what did you think?? Great..Good.. Bad..horrible... Should I continue it?

One Unbelievable Guy (Tom Hidldeston Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now