The Feelings

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Jessie's POV

Many months went by and things were going great! Scott, the director, was awesome! He knew exactly what to do and made Tom and I look great.

I have hung out with Tom on a personal level since I met his patents. I would see him looking at me with those gorgeous eyes as if he was thinking about the old times. I could see the regret in his eyes. On the day of our big performance, I saw him looking like that again.

Tom's POV

I hate it. Day to day I had to put a fake smile on and look like it didn't hurt. When in reality, every day I felt a knife jab through my hart. She seamed fine, which is all I could hope for. From time to time I would remember a joke we shared and then more memories would come flooding back. Then she would ask me how I was, making me lie. I would smile and say,"Nothing." That is one of the biggest lies I have ever had to tell.

"You okay? Nervous I take it... I am to! This is the big day!" she sat down next to me.

"Ya sure nervous.." I whispered under my breath but she seamed to of heard me.

"Oh... Then what's whats wrong."

After the months of waiting, sitting, and watching.... I snapped.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?!" I stood up and started to walk away. I stopped and looked back at Jessie.

The way the light hit her curly brown hair.... Beautiful. "I can do this... I have been living in the shadows and I'm done! I don't know how you just act like nothing happened between us! Like all of those memories we shared didn't matter!" With that I stormed off and went into my changing room locking the door.

Jessie's POV

It's an hour before we start the play and he is poring out his heart? Really?! I do feel the same way.... I just wanted to get through this before I told him.

"Jessie! Go change! Now!!" I heard someone yell but I didn't recognize the voice. I rants my dressing room and changed into an old fashion dress. It was very pretty but sometimes, it was very hot! I wasn't allow to show too much skin, except for my face. Tom's outfit was perfect... I tried not to think too much about it an just started applying my make up when I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Tom!" I yelled and ran to the door. To my surprise it was my parents. "Mom! Dad!" I yelled and hugged them both, tightly. "What are you doing in town?"

"Oh, you know, the usual!" my mother said walking into my changing room.

"Ya come in..." I replied jokingly.

"Where's hot stuff?" my mother asked sitting in my favorite chair.

"Mother... Tom and I- well we took a break."

"Took a break? No no no! That's never good! Who was the whore?"

"Really? There wasn't another woman!"

"I think it best we leave her alone! After all the performance will be starting soon... Good luck darling." my dad can over and kissed my forehead.

"Yes, good luck!" mother repeated and left.

I looked at the clock and it was 5:51. The play started at 6!!! Another knock filled the room. I ran over and saw a short man standing I front of me. "Ready?" he asked and I recognized his voice from earlier. I nodded.

"Where's Tom?" I asked a we got to the stage.

"Oh, he'll be here!" the man said and ran off. I waited next to the stage. I wasn't in the opening scene but was to be on soon. Ton still wasn't here and we are to start in five minuets! Now he WAS in the opening scene.

I ran to his dressing room and knocked very hardly on the door. Nothing.

"Tom... It's me, open the door." I heard foot steps followed by the door opening.

"What...." he walked right bye me and headed to the stage.

"Tom. I'm sorry.... I still-"

"One minuet! Tom take the stage!" I heard Scott yell. Tom broke eye contact and headed to the stage. I grabbed his arm.

"-love you!" I smashed my lips on his and at that moment the world seemed to disappear. It was just us. With out warning, someone ripped Tom off me and flung him on stage just as the curtains opened. He was still looking at me until he spoke his lines and the play started.

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