The Rumor

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Tom's POV

I awoke and slowly started to move but remembered Jessie was still attached to me. I slowly undid her arms then her legs from my body and left her room.

I went to the kitchen and saw Kaiden and Sidney on the couch talking about someone.

"-The rumors have been spreading, he could be fired!" I heard them saying.

When I walked by they got quiet. I went to the fridge hoping there was something to drink

To my surprise I found some orange juice and pored a small cup. I drank it down and cleaned my cup in the sink.

"So.... How did you sleep Tom?" Sidney asked in an innocent yet devious tone.

"I slept wonderfully, thanks for asking." I replied drying the cup.

"Good... How was your shower?" she asked again in the same tone. I smiled.

"Very good." I replied and waked over and sat down on the couch right in between them. They both just starred at me. Kaiden turned of the tv.

"Listen.... Jessie is great! Please... Don't-" she hesitated to finnish the sentence. "- Don't be that type of Hollywood actor. Please."

"I'm not just any actor, and I don't know what your talking about-" I replied and Jessie walked out of the room.

"Want to go get some. Breakfast?" she asked and I nodded.

"Let me change." I went ino the bed room and put on a blue skin tight shirt and jeans that fit to my body. I combed back my hair a little and grabbed my jacket. When I came back out Jessie also had changed into a blue shirt with a black jacket and jeans. She smiled along with me.

"Ready?" I asked and she nodded.

We headed out to a nice small breakfast place right next to the appartments.

We sat down at a table right next to the window.

"Today, we start practicing for the play." I smiled

"Oh okay cool! If your an actor, and you could chose to be in any movie you want, why this small play?" she seemed curious.

"Well, I know the director and some of the other actors and they've helped me get where I've gotten today." I replied and the waitress came over to get our drink and food order.

Jessie and I both got tea and an omelette.

When she came back we started eating. I didn't realize how hungry I was. When we finished I saw a man running down the street. It was Grant. What does he want.

"I'll be right back, Love" I stood up and walked to the door, when I was out of Jessie's sight, I went into a sprint. I ran out of the restaurant and looked to the left then saw someone sprinting at me from the corner of my right eye. Suddenly, a body hit my right side, hard. Causing me to fall to the floor.

"Damn, Grant! What do you want!" I got up and rubbed right side. I saw everyone looking at us.

"We need to go, now!!" he said and grabbed my arm.

"Wait!! Why?! I need to tell Jess-"

"NO!!! This is about you come on!" He was pulling me across. I finally got out of his grip and ran back to the table with Jessie still sitting there.

"I'll be right back! I'll meet you at your apartment soon!" I place money on the table and sprinted back out of the place and ran into Grant. He fell to the floor but I was fine. I helped him up and he sowed me to his car.

"We've got a problem!" he said and spun the car out of the parking lot.


"Have you seen the papers?!" Grant ran the stop sign!

"No but that doesn't mean you can break the law!" suddenly I saw sirens behind us. Great. Thanks Grant.

Grant pulled over and a woman got out of the car. She was very short and had bright red hair. She came to the drivers side of the car.

"License and registration." she demanded. Grant reached into the glove compartment and handed her some papers. She glanced over to me and her jaw dropped. "Your Tom Hiddleston, correct?" she asked

"Yes, ma'am." I replied

"Can I get a picture, if it okay?" she asked and I got out of the car. She pulled her phones out from her pocket. Grant took a picture of us.

"Are the rumors true? I mean, what the newspapers are saying?" she asked putting her phone away.

"Ma'am I'm not quite sure what your talking about." She headed back over to her car and reached for today's paper. She handed it to me and I opened it.

On the cover, there was a picture of me and Jessie kissing outside of her apartment the first night we meet. The headline said, 'Tom Hiddleston, sleeping with cast member?'

Below that-'Tom Hiddleston has been spotted leaving this apartment and going to work with this fellow actress. If the director knew about this, he surely will be fired and never able to work in this industry again.'

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