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"Should we go out a bit? It's only five, we could go get some food and walk along the Han River."

Taeyong asked, Mark sat on the second couch, playing with his mobile phone.

"Sure, why not?"

He thought a bit before he opened his mouth again.

"Can I.. Can I pick Hyuck up?"

Taeyong chuckled but nodded, knowing why Mark wanted to spend as much time as possible with his secret lover.

The canadian went to change his clothes, putting on simple clothes anyway. Black tight jeans with rips and a white hoodie with bit wider neck so his collarbones could be seen with his white superstars.

He went down and saw Taeyong already waiting, it was more eating Tens face while he grabed his boyfriends ass roughly.

"Guys! Please!"

Mark whined which made the couple pull away. They didn't even blush anymore, they were used to make out, even in public.

And even with less clothes on.

"Let's go pick up your lover Cutie."

Ten linked his right arm with Marks left one and pulled the younger with him, leaving his boyfriend behind who whined but in the end didn't really care since he had a great view on Tens ass.


a/n; wzup

my story's rising and i'm grateful

but my twitter accounts got locked because they found out i'm under age and my mother won't unlock it

but it's okay i can live without twitter

i have to go to school again on monday :(

anyways, have a good day/night/evening

ps; chain dance practice killed me

pps; i love taeten


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