4. Butterbeer

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It was almost Christmas and I was so excited because it was going to be my first time going to Hogsmeade. I was talking to my friends about it and Jessica told us that it's beautiful place and that there's a candy store and many places to go. She also said that the butterbeer is a delicious drink and that you can get it cold, frozen, or hot.

We finished breakfast and waited by the door with everyone else who was going, and when Professor McGonagall told us we could leave, we basically ran towards Hogsmeade.

Jessica was right. It was a beautiful place covered with snow. We went to Honeydukes first and bought some chocolate frogs, then we decided to walk around.

"Hi Jessica," said Neville, who was sitting outside of Zonko's Joke Shop.

"Hi! Do you like Hogsmeade?" Jessica asked him and he nodded.


"Would you like to walk around with me? I know some places that I'm sure you'll love," Jessica said and Neville smiled. "I'll see you guys around," she told us and then waved before leaving with Neville.

"They definitely like each other," Amber said and we laughed.

"Totally," I said.

"Look!" She said pointing over my shoulder. "There's a frog choir show, do you want to go?" She asked me.

"Sure, I'm going to the bathroom first but I'll meet you there in a bit."

Amber went to see the show and I went to the bathroom. Then, as I was walking back I heard some screams and laughs coming from the mountain. I got closer and noticed that Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were being attacked with snowballs by an invisible force and Ron and Hermione were laughing.

Malfoy and his friends ran away as far as they could and then I noticed that Harry appeared out of thin air. Was he wearing an invisibility cloak? Where did he get it?

I wanted to ask him so I got closer to them but then I heard Hermione's voice.

"We have to leave now. If someone finds out you came to Hogsmeade you'll get in trouble."

I decided to ignore that because it wasn't my problem, so instead I went to a butterbeer cart and ordered four hot butterbeers. Then, I looked for Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, and found them shivering by the mountain.

"Are you ok?" I asked them and Malfoy raised his eyebrows. "I brought hot butterbeer for everyone," I said with a smile and Crabbe and Goyle got excited.

I handed each of them their drink and Malfoy asked them to leave us alone for a moment. I sat next to him and tried the butterbeer for the first time.

"This drink is delicious," I said, looking at the mug.

"Why are you here?" Malfoy asked me in a low voice after drinking some butterbeer.

"I saw Potter throwing snowballs at you," I said, smiling slightly.

"I knew it was Potter! He was wearing his father's invisibility cloak.. I wonder why," he said and thought for a moment.

"Hermione mentioned something about going back before someone finds out he came to Hogsmeade," I said and Malfoy smiled, but then his expression turned serious again.

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