16. Before the Tournament

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"Our parents could go to Azkaban..."

I woke up in the middle of the night with an intense headache. I kept dreaming of the words Malfoy said before he left. "Our parents..." I'm sure he meant his parents, because he basically admitted that his father was a Death Eater. But then I remembered that my parents were friends with the Malfoys and it made me feel confused, but that didn't mean they were like them. Right?

I went to breakfast early the next morning. When I got there, I looked at the Slytherin table and, fortunately, Draco wasn't there yet. A moment later, Amber came into the Great Hall and sat at the Ravenclaw table next to me.

"Morning," Amber said.

"Hey, we need to talk about the night you were in detention with Draco," I whispered and she looked at me with a blank expression.

"How many more times are you going to say that? I already told you that nothing important happened that night," she whispered desperately.

"Draco and I talked last night and apparently I was supposed to know something I don't remember him telling me, but I'm sure he did," I said angrily and she looked at the Slytherin table. Malfoy was just sitting down.

"Melanie, his father's a Death Eater, but I thought you already knew that," she whispered.

"Why would he tell you that?" I asked but at that moment Jessica sat next to us.

"Good morning!" said Jessica, smiling. "Neville's toad escaped again and we were looking for it."

"You found it?" Amber asked and I looked at her but she avoided my gaze.

"Yes, we did," Jessica said with a big smile. "What were you two talking about?"

Amber and I looked at each other and then at the Slytherin table.

"I was asking her about the Transfiguration homework because I couldn't finish it last night," I said without taking my eyes off Malfoy. He seemed excited about something.

"And how does that relate to Malfoy?" Jessica asked curiously and I looked at her.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, judging from the way you were looking at him..." Jessica began but I interrupted her.

"I just can't understand guys," I said and she shrugged.

We finished eating in silence and then Amber and I headed to our first class, Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, and as we walked Amber looked at me.

"Sorry for not telling you about Malfoy's parents, I didn't think it was important," she said and I shrugged.

"Well, that has been a rumor from the first day we got here and you always knew the truth."

"I know, but you don't like Draco at all and I knew that if I confirmed the rumor about his parents you would hate him," Amber said without looking at me.

We didn't talk much for the rest of the day until we got to Potions class, where I had to sit between her and Malfoy.

"Hey, Collingwood," Malfoy said the moment I sat in the chair next to him.

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