5. Potions

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The summer went by really fast and I was excited when September started.

I asked my parents if they really were Muggles and they admitted that they attended Hogwarts and that both of them were Slytherin, but that they wanted to live a normal life after they graduated and forget everything about the Wizarding World until I was able to attend Hogwarts.

This time, my mom decided to take me to Platform 9 3/4 while my dad stayed at home doing some work. He said that he had to organize an important meeting with his boss, so my mom and I went to King Cross station.

When we arrived at Platform 9 3/4 I saw Draco and his dad walking toward us.

"Good afternoon," Lucius Malfoy said with a smirk on his face. "Mr. Collingwood didn't come this time?" He asked my mom.

I looked at Draco and he was staring at me, so I looked away and pretended to be looking for someone. To be honest, he had changed a lot. His hair style was different and he was taller than last year.

"He had some important work to do," my mom told Malfoy and he nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, I saw Potter crossing to the Platform and I waved at him.

"Mom, this is Harry Potter," I told her and Harry smiled.

"It's nice to meet you," he said and my mom just stared at him without saying anything. I noticed that Mr. Malfoy was whispering to his son.

"Mom, it's time to go," I said and she looked at me. I saw that Harry left to meet Ron and Hermione, and Draco was still talking to his dad.

"Melanie, please tell me that Harry and you aren't friends," my mom said in a whisper.

"I talk to him, but I don't really consider him a friend," I said. "Why?"

"Try not to get too close to him. It's dangerous," she said and I frowned.

"Why do you say that?" I asked and then the Hogwarts Express made a sound announcing that it was about to leave.

"You have to go now," she said staring at the train. "Just be careful." Then, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and I got in the train.

I thought my parents didn't know anything about Harry Potter, but I was wrong. For some reason they didn't want to tell me the truth about something. Maybe they thought I wouldn't be able to handle it, but they had to trust me.

I saw my friends sitting in a compartment on my right and I waved at them.

"Melanie!" Jessica called. "Come sit down, we saved you a seat." I sat beside Liam and Amber. Jessica and Neville sat in front of us.

"How was your summer?" Liam asked me.

"Well, I found out that both of my parents attended Hogwarts and that they were in Slytherin," I said and Neville opened his mouth in surprise. "They wanted to have a normal life away from the Wizarding World, that's why never told me."

"Were they really Slytherin?" Amber asked me amazed and I nodded.

"So that means that they went to school with Professor Snape?" Neville asked and I sighed.

"They also had to share the same common room for seven years or so," Liam said and we laughed.

We talked for a while until Neville fell asleep, Jessica grabbed a book to read, and Liam was telling Amber about how he played soccer in his free time. I decided to get up and go to the bathroom, so I walked down the aisle, went to the bathroom, and on my way back I saw Malfoy and his two friends standing by Harry's compartment door. It was funny how Draco wanted to make fun of Harry every year. He just wouldn't change.

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