6. Transformation

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Professor Snape began his lecture about potions. I could feel Draco Malfoy staring at me with a smirk and I was ready to punch him in the face.

"Open your books and read the first chapter," Snape told us. "You're going to have a quiz on that."

Everyone opened their books and I looked at Amber. She caught my eye and smiled at me. I smiled back and then I heard Draco's voice.

"It's sad that you can't sit with your friend," he said in a low voice so Snape wouldn't hear and I looked at him for the first time.

"I know," I whispered. "But it's more sad that I have to sit next to you," I said and Draco rolled his eyes.

"Professor Snape knew your parents," he said. "I told you they weren't Muggles."

"They were in Slytherin, that's why they know your parents as well."

"Listen," he said. "We really need to talk."

"So now you want to talk to me because you found out that I'm pureblood and that my parents were in Slytherin?" I asked him with a fake smile. "Way to go, Malfoy."

Apparently, I spoke too loud because Professor Snape was standing in front of us with a serious expression on his face.

"Detention after dinner for both of you," he said. "I expected more of you, Malfoy."

However, he didn't complain. When Snape turned around, Draco smiled at me and I stepped on his foot under the table. He closed his eyes with pain and I smiled.

At the end of class I walked over to Amber's table and sighed.

"I have detention with Malfoy," I said and she looked over at him. He was talking to his friends.

"You don't want to go, do you?" she asked me and I shook my head.

"No, I would rather get hit in the nose with Potter's broomstick ten more times than having detention with Malfoy," I said and she laughed.

"I have an idea!" she exclaimed. "Polyjuice Potion!"

"What's that?" I asked her confused.

"When I finished reading the first chapter of the book of potions I looked through the other pages and found one that allows the drinker to temporarily assume the form of another person," she said. "I was thinking that I could drink the potion and go to detention instead of you. However, it takes a month to make one and of course we don't have time."

"That would be great because that way you would get to know Malfoy and I wouldn't have to see him," I said. "Don't you think there's Polyjuice Potion somewhere in this classroom?"

"There are some potions in that cabinet over there," she said, pointing at a cabinet full of bottles of every shape and size with liquid inside them. "If we get closer we might be able to look at the labels."

I looked around and everyone seemed busy talking to their friends or cleaning up their stuff. I looked at Professor Snape and saw him writing something on his desk. I smiled at Amber and we walked towards the cabinet and looked at the bottles trying to find one labeled "Polyjuice Potion." A moment later most of the students left the classroom, so we had to hurry up.

"Found it!" Amber yelled excited and Snape looked at us. "I found my earring, I thought I had lost it." She said and Snape went back to his writing.

"Distract Snape," I whispered to her. "I'll get the potion."

Amber nodded and walked towards Snape's desk. I heard him say "What do you need?" with an annoyed voice and Amber started asking him about the homework and asked him to read her notes to make sure everything she wrote was right. I reached my arm to grab the potion and when I was about to touch it I heard a loud crash. I looked back and realized that Amber broke a glass bottle. Then, she apologized and Snape got up from his sit to fix it with his wand. His back was facing me and Amber winked. I quickly grabbed the potion and put it inside my backpack.

"Can you leave now?" Snape asked us annoyed and we turned to leave. "Collingwood, see you in detention tonight," he said and I nodded.

Amber and I left the classroom and ran outside for our next class. We were talking excitedly.

"I can't believe we found it!" Amber said as we were walking.

"I know!" I exclaimed. "But, are you sure you want to do this?"

"It's the only way to get you out of detention for something that you don't deserve," she said. "And I would get a chance to talk with Malfoy for the first time."

"Just please don't say anything that would make him think that I like him or something like that," I said and she smiled.

"Don't worry," she said. "I'll act like I hate him and I'll roll my eyes eveytime he says something." she said and we laughed.

After classes ended, we ate dinner as fast as we could and told Jessica that we had a project to do. Then, Amber and I ran back to the Ravenclaw tower and made sure no one was there.

"Ok, what do we have to do?" I asked her.

"According to the book, I need a part of your body to add to the potion," she said and I looked at her with my mouth open. "We can use your hair or nails. It can be anything."

"Ok, I'll give you my hair," I said. "How long will the potion last?"

"It depends on how well it has been brewed. It may last from between ten minutes to twelve hours," she said. "Hopefully it works for no more than an hour."

We put my hair in the potion and Amber drank the liquid. A few seconds later her body started to change. It was amazing! Her hair became darker and longer, her eyes changed shape and color, and a moment later, Amber looked exactly like me.

"Did it work?" she asked me and I nodded. She looked at herself in the mirror and gasped. "Wow! Ok, we have to hurry up because I don't know how long this is going to last."

"This is incredible!" I exclaimed amazed. "Well, we must be careful. No one can find out, not even our friends.

"But, what if someone's looking for me?" she asked.

"Let's just say you're in detention for being late to Snape's class," I said. "No one has to know the truth."

"Wish me luck," she said with a nervous smile.

"Good luck!" I said and she left the Ravenclaw tower and headed towards Snape's classroom.

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