10. Hermione

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   Once we got to the library, Hermione and I began looking through bookshelves for something to read.

"Do you want to join S.P.E.W?" Hermione asked me suddenly and I looked at her confused.

"What's that?" I asked her and she reached down her pocket.

"It stands for Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare," she said and handed me a badge with S.P.E.W. written on it. "It's a campaign I'm starting to stop elf enslavement."

"And why are you doing that?" I asked while looking at the badge.

"Because they are magical creatures and deserve respect. I've been doing research and this kind of elf abuse goes back centuries and nobody's doing anything about it," she explained and I looked at her.

"But that's their job. They like to work for people, don't they?" I asked and she shook her head.

"That's not the point," Hermione said. "Elves hardly leave the kitchen during the day and clean the school during the night. The worst part is that they don't get paid and they aren't even allowed to use a wand. It's slave labor and I'm going to change that!"

"Oh," I said, handing the badge back. "Well, good luck with that."

"Don't you want to join?" She asked me and I tried to avoid eye contact with her.

"I might join later," I said and she sighed. "I'm sorry, I've been busy lately."

"It's fine," she said. "Just think about it. We can make elf lives matter."

"Ok, I will."

While Hermione looked for more books about elves, I decided to take a book about history. I wanted to learn as much as I could about the Wizarding World, and reading a book about it was the best thing I could do. Then, we sat down in a corner and I opened the book.

I looked through the contents page and there were topics about the government (the Ministry of Magic), geography, economy, and education, but the topic that interested me the most was transportation, which included apparition, flying, portkeys, floo powder, owls, and something that caught my attention: time turners. Everything seemed interesting, but going back in time was something I didn't know existed in real life, so I opened the book to that section and read the description:

A Time-Turner is a device used for time travel. It is a special timepiece which resembles an hourglass on a necklace.

"Hermione," I said and she looked at me. "Did you know that time travel exists? I thought it was impossible."

"Yes, there's a lot of information about it in books," she said and then gave me a side smile.

"Listen to this," I said and read the next part of the section aloud. "As our investigations currently stand, the longest period that may be relived without the possibility of serious harm to the traveller or to time itself is around five hours. We have been able to encase single Hour-Reversal Charms, which are unstable and benefit from containment, in small, enchanted hour-glasses that may be worn around a witch or wizard's neck and revolved according to the number of hours the user wishes to relive. While not as potentially dangerous as skipping five centuries, the re-use of a single hour can still have dramatic consequences and the Ministry of Magic seeks the strictest guarantees if it permits the use of these rare and powerful objects."

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