Chapter 2.

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Free POV~

"Hey there, you'r Free right?" Asks a random girl. "Yeah, why do you ask?" "I just came to warn you, from one group of friends over there to another friend, that you should stay away from Y/N." "Why should I do that? She might be different but she's nice." I say kinda confused. "Well you should listen to us because she lost all her friends in two weeks or less and you are her next victim to think she's your friend. Also because we run this school and you could be an outcast without any friends once she chases you off, but since you're cute you'll probably find a girlfriend while being an outcast." She says all this stuff like i'm going to listen. "Y/N is perfect the way she is and I don't care if i'll be her friend for two weeks, at least I had a real friend, unlike you and your fake followers." "No one talks to me like that." Says the angry stranger. "Well I just did. Cya and can you do me a favor of staying away from me and Y/N. I'd really appreciate it." I say as I walk off. "You'll regret this Free De La Hoya, I always get what I want........even if that is you."


Another boring school day full of people ignoring me. Time to decide how many questions to answer in math class to keep my 4.0 gpa. Maybe i'll answer three or four, just to be safe. *loud bell noise* And now its time for my math class, if we do group work today i'll just give my group the answers and leave. Or they'll ask the teacher can they exclude me. *sigh* Why are people so cruel, even my mother is mean. But thats because she wants me to have my dream career and be able to do whatever I want. Well, time to walk into this death trap.

In math class~

"Okay class, we have a new student joining us today. Now I know your homeroom teacher introduced him already but i'm doing it again just to make sure he's known just a little. Now, can you please say your name." Says the teacher, Ms. Day. "Uh my names Free de la Hoya and i'm from Spain. Yeah where do I sit?" "Um go sit at that desk to the right of Y/N. Y/N can you raise your hand please?" *she raises her hand* "Oh okay, I already know her." "Good, then you two will be partners for todays assignments." "Okay." Free says as he walks to his seat, and now the class starts.

30 minutes later~

"Okay we have 15 minutes to finish this last paper. Do you wanna work on the front and i'll do the back or just do the problems ourselves?" I say as if I was actually concerned about finishing. "Um it doesn't matter to me. I write fast so we can do it together." "Okay, do you know how to do these problems?" "Yeah but they're really annoying when there's and x on both sides of the equal sign." He says sounding very annoyed. "Its not that bad but it is annoying." "Hey Y/N do you think you could help us?" "Um no because me and Free still have to finish the back of this worksheet." "Oh i'm sorry but I didn't mean to ask for help, I want you to give me your paper so I can copy." "Fine, here.... "Uh no, Y/N keep your paper. She can finish her own paper." Says Free angrily. "Look new kid its Y/N's job as an outcast to give us popular kids all the answers." "Well your job as a student is to learn and do the work yourself and our only job here is to learn. So she doesn't have to do your work for you." "You'll regret this Free." "I heard that this morning and nothing has happened.

"Class is over, turn in your work" Says Ms. Day, loud enough that the whole school can hear her. "Wow, i've never had anyone stick up for me like that." Y/N says very surprised. "Well thats because you've never had a friend like me before." "I did once, it was me, Selena, and Trinity but they moved downtown and when I see them they act like they don't know me." "Wait! Don't get upset, I didn't mean it." Free says in a panic. "Heh i'm not upset, thats just me being depressed and depressing as always." "Uh...?" "Oh never mind, forget what I just said. The school day is over, so do you wanna get something to eat." Geez, why are my hands so sweaty? Stop feeling emotions right now body! "Sure, where did you wanna go. I'll pay." "Oh you don't have to pay, i'm the one who asked you to come. And its this really good sweet shop, they have the best cakes ever. And their tamales are really good during their dinner hours." "Wow she is really cute. Did I just say that? Oh please for the love of god, tell me she didn't here that!" Free screams in his head while Y/N is staring at him. "Uh dude, you look like you just saw a ghost. And your face is red, its not that hot." "Yah know what, lets get off this topic and just head to the sweet shop and i'm paying. And i'm not taking no for an answer" "Fine, oh and by the way I read books so I know what goes through a guys head when he blushes at a girl." I say teasingly. "Wait, WHAT?! What is that supposed to mean?!" Said Free while he was panicking. "Nothing, now lets go already we're the only ones left in the class. By the way, I think your really cute too."

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