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"Cya Naomi. I'll probably stop by again next week." I say as I wave goodbye.
"Cya cousin and you too Free." Naomi says excitedly.
"Cya Naomi." Says Free still sounding very bored.
After everyone said their goodbyes and Naomi finally let go of Y/N, they left. But once again the random girl with visible hair extensions and her group had to show up.

"Hello disappointment and her friend."
"Hello hair extensions that you can see from three miles away." Says Y/N with a very clever comeback.
"Yeah not saying it back."
"How rude. Its polite to say hello back to someone you know and like."
"I don't know nor like you at all." Says Free as he starts to walk away with Y/N.
"Well you don't know me because you didn't know my name was Crystal." She says in distress.
"Well now I know your name and who to avoid when I heard your name."
" are way to good for her Free. You deserve better, someone like Me!!" She yells.
"Nah i'm good. And its only a week left of school right?" He asks Y/N.
"Oh yeah and we're going to New York so don't forget to pack." Y/N responds back.
"Wait you two are going to New York?! Why?!" Asks Crystal while motioning her group to stare angrily.
"Me and Free beyblade and we were invited to join a team in New York for the summer.  And in the fall are individual matches."
"Yah know what, before this summer ends i'll see you and your team in New York or wherever. But I will crush you and your spirit till the day you die." Says Crystal with her group backing her up.

"Hey too bad you can't break somebody's spirit if they don't have one to break. I can't wait to see you during the summer, but you'll be on my stage and your spirit will be broken." I've had enough disappointment to last me a lifetime. Everyone gets to walk all over me, well lets see how you do on my turf when no one can help you. Blue eyes will be your down fall....Crystal..
"Well before you snap, lets go Y/N." Says Free while he takes Y/N's hand a takes her home.

At Y/N's house~

"Cya Free, I have something to do."
"But its late on a Sunday night. We still have this last week to get through." He says, still bored.
"I know but I have something to do."
"It involves that special training, doesn't it?" He questions her.
"No, thats over for me until the end of summer. I'm just going to my special spot to train. I kinda do a bunch of stuff to prep my body for long battles."
"Like what? I usually do strength training."
"Well I dance to make sure my footing is right and I do gymnastics to make sure my launching stance is well balanced. And I do strength training to tighten everything up." He says while looking at the stars.
"Well lets go then. I'd love to see how you train but i'm not dancing nor doing gymnastics."He says while backing up.
"Well lets go. And btw i'm not as depressing as I may seem at school. Its just that I hate people but other than that when i'm alone and I can be me, i'm usually a chill person. Until to go psycho because someone f**ked up. *she blushes* But hey, thats just me."
"Okay, for the second or third time. Lets go then." After that Free grabs Y/N's hand and they walk into a forest in the back of Y/N's house.

At an abandoned bey stadium~

Free: Heh thats funny, this was one of the first places I visited when I moved here.
Y/N: Well I kinda knew that already because I saw you here but when you noticed someone else was with you, I ran home.
Free: Yeah I heard your door slam shut.
Y/N: Well thats funny. And you're still holding my hand.
Free: Wait, what?! I am so sorry...
Y/N: Its okay, I don't mind.
Free: Really? It wasn't awkward at all?
Y/N: I mean just a little but i'm fine. But I don't feel like doing gymnastics or dance tonight, so how about me and you have a race to see who can do 20 laps in this clearing. From this tree right here, all the way to the tree with the cherry blossoms.
Free: I'm down for whatever challenge you can come up with.
Y/N: Alright. Ready...set...GO!

After Y/N says "go" her and Free start their laps and surprisingly, both of them are still neck and neck. But something happens after they finish.

Y/N: I totally won that.
Free: Yeah, you wish. I went pass the tree before you.
Y/N: Well I had my phone recording the whole race so lets see who won.
They skip to the end of the video and....
Y/N: A TIE!? We're not even the same height to have that perfect of a finish.
Free: We actually are the same height.
Y/N: Well its late so you wanna head back?
Free: We can stay here for a bit.
Y/N: Okay. Hey Free, I was wondering if you actually like me.
Free: *he blushes* Of course I do. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it. But the question is, do you like me in the same way?
Y/N: I don't know, maybe someone could change my mind.
Free: Fine, how about this....
He kisses her~

Y/N: Okay....I definitely have my answer.
Free: And what would that be?
Y/N: That I love you, not like but love. Wow thats the first time i've said that someone beside my family. And its only to my sister and brother, barely my parents.
Free: Well i'm glad the one other person you told it to was me. This means we're a couple, right?
Y/N: Duh, but do you wanna stay the night?
Free: Sure, i'll just ask my sister can she bring me some cloths.
Y/N: Your sister is Maya right?
Free: Yeah, how did you know?
Y/N: Naomi knows her and she said that your sister is on her way to my house so lets go.
Free: Lead the way.
Y/N: Hmm....hey Free, its kinda cold.
Free: Here you can take my jacket.
Y/N: Okay.....oh my lord I have never seen a guy with so many abs before that you can see!! Being happy with like one person feels so good, but crushing other peoples spirits is really fun too. I'm so happy that Free's my boyfriend and I swear if Crystal does something f**ked up to break us up, I will break her neck.
Free: Yandere much?
Y/N: Shut up and get in the house.
Free: Fine but thanks for the complement, they were not easy to get at a young age.
Y/N proceeds to throw both her shoes a Free~

Y/N: You are so dead Free De La Hoya.
Free: Hey, you still love me either way.
Y/N: I will go in the kitchen and grab a knife.
Free: Alright, lets call it a day.
Y/N: Yeah, lets. Btw I like the air on full blast while i'm sleep so there are extra covers in the closet.
Free: Okay, good night Yandere~Chan.
Y/N: You too senpai.

Oh ma goodness they are too cute.
Stay bad my lovely ShadowKnights❤️

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