Chapter 5

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Le time skip to Friday, the last day of school until Free and Y/N leave~

Ugh, why can't this school day be over already? I've had Crystal come up to me three times already asking if me and Free were together because we were holding hands. Like girl, ITS NOT EVEN LUNCH YET!! Its like she can't even wait until the afternoon to bother me, its not my fault that you're unlikable. But it is her fault that i'm an outcast. She made me lose all my friends because i've known her since elementary school. And I can't wait to get away from her.

At lunch~

Y/N: Hey Free.
Free: Whats got you upset?
Y/N: Crystal harassing me all day about me and you being in a relationship.
Free: Well you're not the only one. While I was walking here she ran up to me and tried to kiss me. But she went face first into a locker.
Y/N: Please tell me someone recorded that?!
Free: I got this guy named Ein to send me the video, her it is.

Y/N: Oh my goodness that is hilarious!
Free: So i'm guessing you enjoy other peoples pain?
Y/N: Duh, they cause me pain so why can't I laugh when it happens to them. But I do go to the doctors or whatever that lady is to help me with my "depression". Its not that bad, i'm just a really angry and sad person.
Free: Probably because you have more than one personality?
Y/N: Oh yeah I do.
Free: I was kidding but okay..?
Y/N: You brought it up and where are my strawberries?
Free: At the very bottom of your bag.
Y/N: Ugh! I just want my food! Kill me now.....
Free: That got dark quick.
Y/N: Deal with it or go date a normal person like Crystal or her distant friend Claire. *she puts three strawberries in her mouth*

Free: Nah, i'd rather be with you. We already discussed this, i'm....not...leaving.
Y/N: No matter how many times my depression and anxiety kicks in?
Free: Been there talked about that, I don't care what problems you have. I just wanna be with you. (Song reference. Whoever can tell me the song, I guess can get featured in the rest of this book. Thats a good prize right?)
Crystal: You guys are just awful. Go do that somewhere else.
Y/N: Later Free, i'm going to my tree. Unless you wanna come?
Free: Sure, you forgot your book.
Y/N: I knew that...
Free: No you didn't.
Y/N: Shut up, you are too cute to be annoying.
Free: Thats what boyfriends are for.
Y/N: Well then, I hope you're a really good boyfriend to put up with me.
Free: I wouldn't know, I never had a girlfriend before.
Y/N: Uh what..?
Free: I don't generally like people. So a clingy girlfriend is out of my range or tolerance.
Y/L: Well lets go before this conversation gets awkward.
Free: Lead the way.

Its been about 30 minutes and Crystal and her crew has already started bothering the new couple. And for the next 15 minutes Y/N's just been drawing pictures of Crystals funeral and Free is laughing very hard. (Sounds like me bc it is me. Partially, i'm not that insane people.)

"Hey Free, how does this look or should this one be a darker shade of red?" I ask hiding the picture.
"It could be darker and her face could be *burst out laughing* a...lot uglier." He says while hugging his stomach because it hurts from laughing.
"If only I laughed. Wait.....*she holds up the picture to Crystal's face* OMG IT LOOKS JUST LIKE HER!!! Free look!" I say as I wave the picture in his face.
"Why are you so accurate?" He says while smiling at me.
"I don't know, maybe because she's a b**ch and I can easily picture the face of ugliness." I say while looking directly at Crystal.
"Both of you as a couple is the definition of ugly." Says Crystal while rolling her eyes.
"Your eyes are gonna get stuck in the back of your head. Just like in this picture."
"Shut up Y/N! I have zero clue how you got a boy like Free, but I can tell you one thing. You won't keep him....
She walks away~
Y/N: I hate people, especially her. Why does she need to know how me and you got together?
Free: Maybe because she likes me and questions why I don't like her? Just a thought before you throw that pen at me.
Y/N: What? I'm not even holding....*realizes the pen is in Free's face* Never mind.
(I'm not even gonna tell you what the word pen autocorrected to)

Free: Yeah do see now that you moved it from my face to my arm?
Y/N: OH MY GOD!! *she stabs him in his arm*
Free: Number one f*ck that hurts and number two, do you feel better now. Shoulda wore my glove...dumbass.
Y/N: A little but who da f*ck are you standing above me?!
Free: Crystal and some guy.
Crystal: His name is Shu Kurenai and he's my new boyfriend and way better than Free.
Free: Thats nice. Unfazed by this but lets see where this goes.
Y/N: Uh who is Shu Kurenai?
Crystal: Don't forget that fact that you don't talk to popular people. So you wouldn't know him.
Free: He got here at the same time as me. Am I right or wrong..?
Shu: Pretty much spot on.
Crystal: Shu sweetie, DON'T TALK TO HIM!
Shu: I see no reason why I can't.
Crystal: Okay we're done here, goodbye unstable person.
Y/N: Yeah cya. Oh and Free I called my mother awhile ago so I gotta go, i'm leaving early. You can come if she calls your mother.
Free: Nah, i'll finish out the day.
Y/N: Okay, cya tomorrow or tonight Senpai. And don't do anything stupid or else.
Free: Cya Yandere and I promise I won't.
They give each other a goodbye hug and they both leave.

Its hard to stay loyal Free De la Hoya but i'll rid you of that struggle soon.....

I'm finally done with this stressful chapter!!! I usually would write this long message but i'm tired. Yandere~ShadowChan out! Stay bad my lovely ShadowKnights.✌️❤️

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