Ashton's here

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"Why are you here." I say in a semi demonic voice.
"I finally found out what happened back then and even thought apologizes aren't my thing I wanted to say sorry." He says while noticing Free.
"So....Lui, long time no see." Says Free with his usual dead voice.
"Yeah, kinda wish it was longer. But Y/N i'm really sorry for what happened when we were younger."
"You mean like going from my best and only friend to number 2 on the list of people who I hate......or siding with my worst enemy Crystal who may I mention BROKE MY BEY INTO PIECES. F**k your apology, I hate you just like you hate me. I don't nor will I ever want you in my life again, now if you'll excuse me i'm just gonna go draw on myself and forget how to feel emotions." I say while storming up the steps.


Free: You really pissed her off. What in the world happened back then?
Lui: Its a long story but i've changed since then and so has she. The way I am now, when she blew up at me it was kinda hot.
Free: She has a boyfriend and its me. So watch what you say.
Lui: Heh people change and i'm not afraid to make her mine at any cost.
Free: Heh i'd like to see you try and fail. Just like you failed at being tall.
Lui: F**k you.

"I'm back and whatever her name was is gone. And do not look at my arm, or I will take my pocket knife and make sure you can't see it."
I say while showing them what I think is a pocket knife.
"That is not a pocket knife, that is an assassin's sword." Says Free sarcastically.
"*blushes* Uh no! Stop being cute or else you know who will come back."
"Ugh go be cute somewhere else and not around me please." Says Lui while rolling his eyes. And after that Y/N goes to the kitchen, grabs a knife and throws it a Lui's head.
"Nice throw but you didn't hit him." Says Free while making a sad face but then smirking.
"I COULD'VE DIED!!" Says lui while taking the knife out of the wall but little did he know that Y/N had more than one knife.
"I should run, right?" Free then nods his head, but because he doesn't like Lui he shuts and locks the door.
"WHAT THE F*CK!! AHH!!" Lui then proceeds to run all around Y/N's house as she is trying to kill him.

Le time skip brought to you by BTS~

Lui: I only came apologize and say that I got over my huge crush on you.
Free: What.....
Y/N: It was a long time ago but who's the unlucky girl.
Lui: Her name is Ashton. She acts almost just like you but I chose to go out with her.
Y/N: Thats nice you stupid jerk.
Free: She has a problem with you and Crystal.
Lui: She's always been a b*tch but when she told me what Y/N supposedly did, I just didn't want anything to do with her.
Free: What was it that Crystal said she did.

Y/N: She told Lui that I tampered with his bey before that battle so that he would lose against me. But she did that and I fixed it before the battle, but I still won.
Lui: And I felt bad ever since and I wanted to tell you i'm sorry.
Y/N: Sorry doesn't make up for years of me crying, being bullied, and letting that thing into my life.
Free: Well that got dark fast but I kinda expected that.
Y/N: I would never cheat just to win a battle and get a pointless title. If I want a real battle, we can do it by our selves. Not in front of a crowd of people.
Lui: And thats what I still like about you but I love Ashton now.
Free: Her nickname is Ash, right?
Lui: Yeah, why?
Free: She's a friend of mines.
Lui: Well thats nice, actually not at all.
Y/N: You are horrible at whispering. But i'd like it if you would get out of my house. I'm hungry and we were just about to go eat.
Lui: Hmm, how about we make it a double date.
Free: I'm down.
Y/N: Kill me.....
Ashton: HEY GUYS!!
Y/N: Hey.....*bangs her head on her wall* I JUST WANT FOOD!!!

Ashton's surprise pop up tho but as you all may guess, the next chapter will be a double date. And maybe i'll make a fight break out between Free and Lui, idk i'm just evil. But anyways I hope you enjoyed today chapter! This is Yandere~Chan signing out. Stay Bad My Lovely ShadowKnights❤️👋

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