The beginning of an End

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Huge time skip of like 1 1/2 months~

Its now the day of the finals. The whole team of the Raging Bulls is there except for their captain. Rumors say that after what happened between her and Aiko, she left. She hasn't been seen in any battles in two weeks. Everyone thinks she quit or she went to a new team but lets just say, her relationship may be over.....

"Hey Y/N! Its the finals, are you gonna battle today with them or us today!"

"I'm not Y/N and I never officially came here and quit the Raging Bulls. So for one last time i'll beat you all and battle with them." I say Bc Sol looks confused about my decision.

"I really think you should battle with them but I also think that you should forgive Free as well. It wasn't his fault, you know how Theodore is and it was Aiko's fault for doing that to him."

"Yeah yeah, i'll think about it. I'm not the most forgive person ever yah know."

"We know, but it doesn't hurt to try."

"Sure, i'll try and forgive him but if that doesn't work out...i'm gonna post on all my social media saying is there any cute boy who is single. They'd all come running for the chance to date the best blader in the world, and may I add, the cutest." I respond to Chris while laughing at myself.

"Wow. You are so funny, now head over to where your team is and make amends with at least Free. He was the first person to love you for you and not blues eyes for strength." Says Chris while holding open the door for me.

"Thanks and I won't crush you too bad Valt."

"HEY!! I never loose without putting up a fight!"

"Heh lets just hope you're strong enough to last at least three minutes." I respond to him while walking out the door laughing. "Well Raging Bulls. Your star is back and is burnt out."

Le time skip/jump to the raging bulls~

"She better show up. She never quit so she can't battle with them." Says Aiko.

"She can come back all she wants but that doesn't mean she'll battle with us after what you did Aiko." Responds Issac while glaring at Aiko.

"Oh so what, there is nothing wrong with him. He's perfectly fine to battle."

"He might be able to battle but what about his thought process. The way he thinks from now on may be messed up just like Y/N. Her being blue eyes didn't cause that thing to come completely. You locked her in that machine and messed with her head, when she got out that thing appeared!" Yells Issac while Aiko is backed up in a corner.

"Whatever. I don't feel sorry."

"You should though...."

"Oh Free, you're okay?" Asks a concerned Issac. All Free does is nod his head and walk back towards the door.

"Oh and Free, you and Y/N broke up right?"

"Duh. Why would she stay with me after what you did. Now i'm just as lifeless as I was before."

"Yeah but lifeless is cute and we're still together you depressed cutie." Says Y/N while walking through the door. She rushes to Free and kisses him.

"Now this is still my team and what I say goes."

"Ha! As if, I rule this team and you are not battling." Says Aiko while staring at Y/N directly into her cold e/c eyes that just changed to a glowing blue.

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