Chapter 19: I Should've Stayed Up!

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Maplepaw woke up, stretching her legs. She felt the body of Rustlekit squeezed next to her.

"Hey, aren't you hungry?" She asked, nudging the kits pelt.

Fear clenched her heart when she felt the tiny kit's fur. It was cold as ice.

"Rustlekit!" Maplepaw yelped. She rolled the kit over.

He lay still, the breeze pulling his fur. His eyes were shut. His chest was still, no movement at all.

"Rustlekit!!" Maplepaw screamed. "Rustlekit! Wake up!"

After shaking the kit's body, she realized he was dead. Maplepaw collapsed by the scrap of fur, tears tricking down her face.

"I shouldn't have slept!" She wailed, hugging the still body. "I should've stayed up and helped you!"

The kits body smelt different. She couldn't smell the herbs or sickness on him. He looked relaxed, like he died peacefully. Maplepaw's heart crunched.

He was so young.....

Hailstorm padded over, sadness in his sightless eyes.

"I'm sorry." He whispered "he must of felt like your kit. You took care of him well. You should be proud."

"He was so young! He never got to train or hunt or fight!" Maplepaw growled. "He never became a warrior and had kits. Never became the deputy, then a leader! It's not fair!"

Hailstorm touched her head lightly with his muzzle.

"He died in his sleep, feeling no pain. He walks in Starclan. Rustlekit will watch over you, just as you did to him. I bet he is great full."

Maplepaw let tears fall as Hailstorm quickly padded out to tell Roseleaf and Windswirl. She waited to hear Windswirl yowl.

Sooner or later, Windswirl dashed in, screaming when she saw the kit on the floor.

"My kit!" She cried, rushing over to the kit, burying her face in the scrap of fur.

"Maplepaw took care of him. She made sure he had food and water. She helped him feel safe and comfortable. He died happy because of her." Roseleaf whispered.

Windswirl said nothing, crying in her kits fur. She then sat up, padding over to Maplepaw.

"Thank you." She whispered. "For making my kit's last moments happy for him."

Maplepaw dipped her head. Roseleaf invited her to carry him to the burying site. She nodded.

Rainstar announced his death, and Roseleaf carried the kit out. Hailstorm rubbed rosemary in his pelt to hide the scent of death, though it didn't work.

Maplepaw padded up to Rustlekit's body, curling up next to it.

"I wish you swift running, endless prey and shelter when you sleep. I hope you have a great life in Starclan." She whispered.

She then picked up the kit with Leftfoot and carried him to the burying site, where all the cats were buried. Even Whiteblaze lay here.

She dug a hole and lied Rustlekit's still body in the hole. She covered it. Leftfoot looked at her sadly.

"Let's head back." He mewed.

The started walking when Maplepaw realized she had one more thing to say.

"I'll catch up." She said, dashing back. She sat next to the kit's body.

"Rustlekit." She began. "I'm sorry. If I known, I would've stayed up and helped you more. I think your too young. I miss you, friend. Just remember you were like my own kit in my eyes."

She noticed a orange and white flower popping out in the bushes. She pulled it out, laying it on his grave. She slowly walked away, crying as she did.

Back at home, she ignored all the cats asking where she'd been and lied in her nest. The faint smell of Rustlekit lingered, reminding her about the young kit. She fell asleep, the kits face in her mind.

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