Chapter 5: Run Away!

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Maplekit darted her claw across a pinecone. It rolled dully to the side.

Maplekit sighed. The clan was quiet, and it was a gloomy day. More snow had fallen, covering the ground in a thick layer of fluffy snow.

She heard squealed of delight. She peeked out the entrance and saw Blazekit and Violetkit tumbling in the snow.

Swiftheart was watching them. She praised and corrected her kits as the play fought.

"Good Blazekit! Use your back claws too Violetkit! "Duck!" She called to her kits as they wrestled.

Maplekit sighed. She felt a tail tip brush her shoulder. Roseleaf stood there, her eyes warm with understanding.

"I know. It happened to me." She whispered.

Maplekit looked at her. "What?" She asked.

"When I was a kit, I got Green cough, which is less dangerous then Shadow Cough, and had to stay here for 3 moons!" Roseleaf prompted, curling her pinkish red tail over her nose.

"You'll get better before that. Tommorow you can leave."

She replied before dozing off.

Maplekit gasped, smiling. She raced outside.

Suddenly, the same cats who took Dawnkit were back.

Blazekit and Violetkit trembled behind a bush, Swiftheart and Whiteblaze guarding them.

She crawled over and hissed, " Hey!"

Violetkit squealed. "you startled me!" She whined.

"Let's escape!" Maplekit whispered.

"No!" Violetkit gasped,

"Not getting in trouble." Blazekit growled.

"Fine. Get captured." Maplekit huffed, trying to run through the snow.

She heard snow crunching as her siblings leapt after her.

They traveled for a long while. Who knows if the battle was still on.

Violetkit collapsed.

"I'm tired!" She whined. Blazekit stopped next to her.

Maplekit grumbled. "Fine."

They snuggled close as the sky turned pink, then indigo, then black. Wind started swirling around them.

Maplekit's stomach growled, and her throat was dry.

She curled up next to her siblings.

We'll get back soon.

She closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

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