Chapter 13: My sister

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Maplepaw waited anxiously as Swiftheart gave birth in the nursery. Her violet eyes focused on the entrance as Blazepaw shuffled his paws.

"Too bad Violetpaw went on a hunting patrol." Blazepaw said.

Maplepaw giggled. "I bet you dawn patrol for a moon she'll freak out!"

Hailstorm was carrying wet moss into the nursery as he spotted her staring after the entrance. He beckoned her over with his tail.

"Do you want to come in?" He asked.

Maplepaw nodded. "Ok."

Hailstorm lead her in, careful not to disturb Roseleaf or Swiftheart.

Swiftheart was writhing on the floor in pain. Roseleaf was giving her some herbs and placing the moss in front of her.

"What's taking so long?" Whiteblaze gasped nervously.

"The kit is turned around." Roseleaf inquired.

Roseleaf was quickly rubbing her paw on Swiftheart's flank.

"Hurry up!" Swiftheart screamed.

"Here comes one!" Roseleaf shouted.

A small pale gray bundle slid out. Hailstorm started to lick it, but paused.

"What's wrong?!" Whiteblaze demanded.

"It's a stillborn." Hailstorm meowed sadly.

Maplepaw's heart cracked a bit. She lost a sibling,

They pushed the tiny limp figure beside as Swiftheart gasped as a black kit slid out.

Hailstorm retrieved it, and licked it quickly.

"A tom!" He shouted.

Maplepaw's heart fixed as Roseleaf felt Swiftheart's belly.

"One more to go!" She announced.

A small body slid out onto the moss.

Whiteblaze' dashed over, licking his last kit.

"A she cat!"

The she cat had pale pink fur like Roseleaf. The tom was black.

"Great job." Hailstorm meowed as Roseleaf gathered her leftover herbs.

Maplepaw sniffed her sister and brother. Blazepaw raced in, his face lit up:

"I'm naming the tom Shadowkit and the she cat Blossomkit." Swiftheart smiled.

Maplepaw licked her sister and Violetpaw raced in startled.

"Are they here?!" She asked.

Swiftheart nodded.

"You have a sister and a brother." Swiftheart sighed, grief filling her eyes.

"What's wrong?!" Violetpaw asked, worried by her mother's expression.

"There was a stillborn." Whiteblaze said sadly.

Swiftheart seeped silently as Whiteblaze carried the limp gray bundle out the camp.

Maplepaw said goodbye to her new siblings and fell asleep, glad to shut her eyes.


A loud screech filled the air. Maplepaw shot up, worried there was battle.

Sh peered out the den, seeing Whiteblaze carrying a small dark bundle out the entrance.

Rainstar padded out from her den.

"What's going on?"

Roseleaf frowned.

"Shadowkit passed away." She mumbled.

Maplepaw gasped. Two kits were lost!

"Blossomkit is weak." Roseleaf mewed.

Maplepaw sobbed and collapsed in her nest.

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