The Planned Escape

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I get to school around 6:50 in order to attend class on time. Mr. Derekson arrives a little late, as usual. He always makes up for it though; he gives us a lot of information for the small duration of time we have in his class. I sit on the staircase in the hallway, waiting for him to open the door.

Once my teacher gets into the classroom, he hands out nutrition bars from his file cabinet stash, to all the athletes in his class. One girl in particular, Sylar, talks about how he never gives her a bar even though she is on the water polo team. She swears that she works harder than everyone else. He laughs and says that treading water is hard but the water polo team doesn't have any competitions that would require her to need the extra nutrition. The teacher tries to move on to the lesson of the day however, the freshman starts to mumble a story about how her ski team works hard and rambles on to talk about the competitions she does. "What?" He laughs, not hearing what she had said, Skylar goes on a rant about Mr. Derekson not listening to her.

She finally stops talking and lets him teach his lesson. He begins to review the test we have to take tomorrow. He's in the middle of talking about one of the questions when Skylar begins laughing uncontrollably. "What?" My teacher laughs with her as she begins to tell another story about her uncle and how he broke his ribs and was back to work within 2 weeks. "How does this pertain to my lesson?" My teacher asks Skylar, laughing at her.

"I don't know." Everyone laughed at her.

"Okay, look guys, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but we've got ten minutes if not less left in class and he isn't even halfway done with the lesson. Skylar please pay attention." I've had enough of her story outbursts in the middle of the teacher's lesson. She's done it so many times already that it really gets in the way of the class's learning and my break before my next class starts.

"Thank you Lily." A girl across the room says. I don't know her I just know she plays Volleyball and Basketball. I nod at her and the teacher continues his lesson.

We get through class without any other outbursts from Skylar and get assigned our homework. "Hey Skylar, I'm really sorry, it's just you keep interrupting our lessons. I get you like telling stories so maybe write down the story and tell the teacher later instead of during our instruction time. I know for a fact some of these kids in this class are struggling. It makes it harder for them to understand and confuses them if your story doesn't pertain to the lesson." She nods.

"I get it. It's cool. I know I get off topic a lot." She tells me, deflated.

"No. No. No. It's okay. I really just wanted to get out of class early." I told her trying to make sure she wasn't upset. "I wasn't trying to be rude. I'm sorry." She smiled at me. You know those smiles you give people as a shy hello when you pass them instead of directly saying hi? She gave me one of those smiles. I felt really bad for making such a sweet freshman upset.

She walks out of class and I head to get breakfast. I say hi to Kyle and Julia and get my water for the day. The school's water from the fountain is cloudy, almost as white as milk. If you shake it for a minute or two it turns clear. I shake it as I walk to my first period.

I walk in to Dance class get in my roll call spot in the gym. Me and my friend, Bizmo, get ready to do our campus walk for the day. Every short period we have-like minimum days or days we have all 6 periods-we only have time to walk around the school. Once our teacher, Ms. Lena tells us it is time to go, we get up and get our phones and earbuds out from their hiding spots, our pockets, so we can walk and listen to music. We go around the whole school and around the tennis and Basketball courts. After we are done we go to the locker rooms to get our backpacks. This is when I would normally change back into my normal clothes but today, I wore my P.E. clothes to school so I don't need to change. Bizmo does need to change though so I wait for her. She changes out of her spandex leggings, loose, blue cotton shirt and tennis shoes into jeggings, red sweater, shirt, thing and her black fashion combat boots. We leave the locker rooms and head to our separate classes. I go to History class and she goes to Math.

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