My Daughter

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It's hard to open my eyes so I lay with them closed instead. I feel around; Damon seems to be missing from the spot he had fallen asleep in last night. I feel around for some sort of clothing to provide for the lack of clothing I had fallen asleep in. I am rewarded with the material of a towel and clothes. I can finally open my eyes, although with a little struggle.

I notice a note on blue tinted paper falls to the wood floor from atop the towel. I sit on the edge of the bed and step onto the floor. Ice spreads through my legs, making me jump back on the bed. "Gosh!!! It's so cold!" I lean over the edge to grab the note.

The note reads, "Join me?" I grab the towel and walk out of the room through the library to the spring room. Damon is swimming under the water when I walk in. I take off my underwear and slip into the water.

Damon's muscles ripple as he pushes through the water. I walk along the edge and match his speed. He stops for a short breath so I take the opportunity to catch up and wrap my arms around him. "Good morning." I whisper into his neck. I can feel his smile when his muscles strain. I kiss under his jaw and lay my head back down on his shoulder.

"You decided to wake up." I playfully pinch him. He chuckles. "Hey you were out for a while. It's already 12:00 o'clock." He skillfully wraps his arm around my torso and pulls me to face him. "You look so tired." Concerned, he grabs my chin between his thumb and the knuckle of his index finger.

Worry. Guilt. Happiness. Sadness. Jealousy. Complex feelings flood through his diligent barrier protecting his thoughts. Guilt? Jealousy? Why does he feel that way? I want to ask him but he seems so lost in thought. I think it's better to leave him to his thoughts. He has dropped his hand and has backed away a few steps so I walk out of the spring to the showers. After I'm finished I wrap the towel around myself and walk out through the library.

I walk straight from the library to the kitchen to make coffee. No creamer. Damn. Just when I think that I hear a small bump in the fridge. There is a small creature with wings holding a bottle of creamer. The creature is glowing brighter than the fridge light. I have to let my eyes adjust.

"Oops. Sorry. Too bright huh? I've gotta work on my landing skills. Give me a hand?" The small creature looks up at me as the brightness dims. I hold out my hand for the creature to sit on and carry it to the counter. "The creamer is for you. My name is Olivia. You're Lily." She says it like it's a fact rather than asking. I guess confusion and shock was my occupying expressions because she does a double take. "Are you not? OHHHH--- I'm sorry. I could've swore you were--- It's just Dad really likes this girl and he tries so hard to get over her I can never tell who's who when I come to visit." What the hell? Who's who? Dad?? "Although this was his and Lily's home though so I never thought he'd bring you here." Olivia talks as if I'm just some random that Damon's slept with. I can feel my skin boiling. "You're really red. Are you-" Damon comes in and snaps his fingers, cutting off the creature. A slender female with long black hair, sitting on the counter, replaces the creature. She is wearing black leggings and a loose black shirt. Her face resembles mine in some ways. She has freckles everywhere and has my eyes; color and shape. It's the weird girl from the school library! 

"Damon is this-?" Tears fight to get to the surface but I swallow them back as I try to speak. The girl looks at me confused, when she hears my voice.

"It's you. It's really you? Dad, it's her?" Forget the tears. Olivia is bawling. My tears escape my well built shield and fall down my cheeks. "Oh no, don't cry. Mom don't cry." Mom. She stands up and hugs me. Her warmth radiates through to my bones. I look at Damon, who seems to be staring at me gauging my reaction. My daughter came to visit me. At my school. even though she knew I wouldn't remember her. The pain she must have felt...

Red fills my vision. I fall to the floor.

"What's wrong with her Dad?" When I wake up, I can hear everything, breathing and shuffling around. I'm in my original room. It was probably the closest room to take me to. A long silence fills the air after Olivia speaks. "Look I know your sex life is none of my business; we've had that conversation when I tried to straighten you out. But, you haven't yet have you?" Olivia acts as if she knows the solution already. "You think she isn't ready." Silence. "If you don't, you'll never know."

"You don't get it. We tried last night O. I just couldn't do it. She isn't ready. I know she isn't." Damon's voice cuts through the air, full of sadness. Red fills my vision again and I'm out.

I wake up moments later, not opening my eyes. They haven't spoken since Damon's comment. I can tell Olivia doesn't know what to say by the tension in the air. I try to talk but I can't open my mouth. "Dad I can see right now she loves you. Even without the memories. You spent a really long time together in training. It may have only been a couple of hours in the human world but here, in the fae world it was a year. On top of that you've been here for what? Two weeks?" Two weeks? It had only been a couple of days. Right? And he told her about training? A year? I thought it was a couple months. "Kiss her. Wake her up. Talk to her. She is ready Dad. You're just a man that is too naive to see it. I'll be back in a couple of days if she doesn't remember my birthday on her own, I am taking her to the Queen and she'll do it the hard way."

I hear a door close softly. I imagine Olivia just left. My daughter. Daughter. Mine. My thoughts are bared down to my most primitive thoughts as I try to process. My baby. She remembers me. Why can't I remember her? That isn't right. I do have feelings for Damon. I just don't know what they are. If I can remember it could help me figure it out.

It's decided then? Damon's voice enters my head. I imagine myself kissing him and he does the same. I can feel our kiss as if it was actually happening. Then I feel his lips against mine. When he pulls away I can move and open my eyes again. Don't talk. I look at him weird; half confused as to why I can't talk and half not minding. Trust me.

It's decided. I pull him down to kiss me again but he doesn't budge. Trust me. I whisper, taking his line.

He leans to kiss me as gently as he can. I do.

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