A Weekend Without Pain

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I was back in my real room. My breathing was heavy and I was crying. Danny was sitting on my desk, next to my bed, watching over me. "Are you ok?" She asks me. I nod.

"I'll be okay. I just need to splash my face with water and wake up." My alarm went off for school and made me jump. "I'm just going to wear some sweats today." Danny sits with her eyes closed. She's doing the concentration thing she did for the dress again. An outfit is laying in front of me. They are blue sweatpants from the pink brand with a matching pullover sweatshirt and a pair of really comfortable, baby blue, Vans high-tops. I quickly change, put up my hair in a messy bun and change out my supplies for the school day.

I step out of my room and see Lina laying in the chair in the loft. I think I let her out in the middle of the night. I walk over to sit with her. "Hi baby girl." I say. She looks up at me and licks her nose. I lean down and she leans in closer to my face and licks my nose. "Aw thank you. I gotta go baby." I get up and reach into my bag for my key and my glasses. I put on my prescription glasses, give Lina a kiss on her nose and leave without coffee.

I get to school and head to health class. We don't usually do anything in Health so I sit in the back of the class, like always, and start to write in my journal. I can't think of anything so I look up prompts on Pinterest. I find a post of fifty prompts to choose from. I pick one that says, "If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning a medal for?"

If I could make any-thing an Olympic sport, I'd make it long-timed writing. Like long distance running but with writing for a long period of time. I try to put all my feelings into writing and sometimes I feel like I could write for hours.

The teacher releases us. I walk to get breakfast, a muffin, milk and a banana that I end up giving away. I go through the rest of the day feeling drained and tired. It's because I didn't have my coffee.

As soon as I get home from school I go to sleep. I sleep through the night without any dreams.

On Friday, I have no school. My parents left with Lance and Jordan for the weekend. My boyfriend and I spend the morning together but he leaves to go do something with some friends. I spend the rest of the day watching Netflix, reading, and writing. I try my best to keep busy.

I took a shower around 10:30 to get ready for bed. After laying down, I fall asleep fairly quickly with no nightmares through the night.

My grandmother wakes me up by screaming from the bottom of the stairs. "Lily!" I get up and throw on the sweatpants Danny had gotten for me. I swing open my door.

"What's up?" I look down at my grandma and grandpa laughing at my messy bedhead.

"Get some clothing on. We need help movie some stuff for the yard sale." She starts to walk away before she finishes her sentence so I don't have time to protest waking at 8:00 in the morning.

After I help move the furniture and such, I go with Mason to, his cousin's fifth birthday party. We have a lot of fun; whenever we go over there, we always end up singing and playing instruments so of course I'm excited. Their favorite to play was American Pie and Piano Man because Aly always sings along with them. When we get there, I say my hello's to all the grown ups and go to search for the children, who always like to play with me and Mason.

Mason and I spend most of our time occupying the children. But when it comes time for the children to calm down, we all pull up chairs next to the fire and sing songs. And of course, American Pie and Piano man were in the mix.

I get home around ten at night so I go straight to bed after texting Mason goodnight. Tired from all the excitement, I fall right asleep.

On Sunday, I spent the morning at home watching Netflix. I text my mom and tell her I am going to go to lunch with Mason and his dad's family. Normally she wouldn't get it because she had gone somewhere without reception but she replied this time which meant she was on her way home. Lunch turns into hanging out at the mall and afterwards going back to his house for dinner. That was a mistake on my part.

Mason, his little brother and I are getting up from the kitchen table to leave when my text tone for my dad sounds off. "Plan on coming home anytime this year?" I'm in the middle of typing a message to tell him I'm on my way home when, "Really?! Do you even live here anymore?" By then I was already in the car and seething with rage because of a previous comment he had made that had resembled the first text he sent me, a couple weeks ago.

"Didn't he say that a while ago? What's up with him lately? Don't react that's what he wants." Mason tells me as he drives me and his brother home.

"No I'm done." I tell Mason. I start to type out a new text, "I'm sorry Dad but I am not taking this anymore. I am done with these comments." Mason takes my phone before I can send it.

"I will not let you get in trouble. Stop." Mason says to me.

"I will not let him treat me like a welcome mat outside for everyone to wipe their muddy shoes on. I will stand up for myself and call him on his crap. He is only saying it because my mom probably isn't with him."

"Lily - cover your ears - "Mason addresses his brother. "Lily, he's a pussy for saying it while your mom is not with him. He knows he is. Just let it go." I don't want to start a fight so I stop talking and sit in silence for the rest of the ride home. Once we get to my house I run inside to my room to avoid any conflict with my parents.

I am so mad that I start tearing up. Lance waddles into my room to see me since they had been gone all weekend. My dad comes in looking for Lance a few minutes later. "What the fuck is your problem?' He asks rudely. "Get your ass in the living room. Now." He almost yells but he knows there are people downstairs that would rip him a new one so he keeps it low.

I sit down on the floor, facing away from my parents. "What the fuck do you want?" My mom asks glaring holes into the back of my head. "Why are you crying in your room? You just got home." My mom says rudely. "If it's so bad why don't you take your clothes and move to your boyfriend's house? I'm sure he could deal with your shit." She says sarcastically.

"Dad's comments." I said looking at her. She looks at dad then looks at me, pissed off.

"Grow the fuck up. Stop blaming us for all of your problems." Her and dad took turns explaining to me that I'm the fuck-up and I blame everything on them. "Get out. I don't want to look at your face anymore." I get up and leave before I say something to them that I'd end up regretting.

I go to my room and tell my boyfriend everything verbatim and he tries to reassure me that everything would work out and fall into place but it doesn't work. We hang up after saying goodnight.

"Danny I'm going to sleep." I say to the air. I see a light illuminating my closet.

"I picked out your clothes for tomorrow. Have a good night's sleep. You'll be okay. Just wait a little longer and you'll be out, alright?" I nod and smile in her direction.

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