Waterfalls and Caves

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"I want to see Mason before we go anywhere." I state, crossing my arms like a child when they get upset. Although I currently have no desire to see Mason for emotional attachment, I do want to make sure that Caden or the queen isn't lying to me. The Hunter clicks his tongue in disappointment and doesn't move to take me to Mason. "I'm not going anywhere until you have shown me that you haven't lied about him being here. You didn't act out that whole ordeal for cinematic responses did you?" He chuckles to himself when I question his motives and in a sense, the queen's too.

"So be it. Follow me." He turns around and walks away. I don't immediately follow him; I am hesitant to see Mason. I don't want to see him cry or struggle at all; it'd be a bother and it'd be very uncomfortable for me. I turn around and tread slowly behind the hunter. My thoughts jumble, suppressing emotions seems to have taken a toll on my mind. Being that emotion was all I was-pure unbottled rage and disappointment-it seems the stress of the transfer is breaking apart my previous consciousness.

"So what's your real name?" I break the awkward silence as we walk through the void. He doesn't answer for a while.

"Damon." He doesn't say anything else during our walk so I don't either. I don't know how far we've walked. The color of the "walls" of the void displaces the measurement of distance.

"So why did the queen address you as Caden?" I ask.

"It's my middle name. It's a matter of seniority. Someone lower than oneself in status, is to be called by their middle name. Sam status, you call them by their first name; it's a term a familiarity. If someone is higher than you, you must call them by their last name." Damon tells me. "For example, you may call me Damon. Because you have defeated me in sparring, you have proven to be the same strength as me, therefore the same status." I nod satisfied.

An instinctive feeling that something bad is going to happen crawls through the back of my brain, sifting through my already scrambled thoughts. Then I hear it; the unfamiliar sound of an arrow breaking the air. How did I know it was an arrow? I think for a moment about letting the arrow go through its path without warning Damon. I decide against it as soon as I thought about it.

"Get down!" I yell to Damon. He crouches down just in time to see the arrow fly over him. The arrow is coming directly towards me so I duck but it changes it's trajectory to match. "It wasn't aiming for you?!" I'm running now. It follows me. I keep a steady pace ahead of the arrow. The hunter screams something in a different language. I turn around and see the arrow laying on the floor. "What the hell did it do that for?!" I scream at Damon.

"He doesn't want to see you apparently." He being Mason. Well no shit Sherlock. I don't want to see him either, so I guess it'd be best if I just go then! The black void attempts shifting to a dark blood red but fades back to black. "The color changes based on the person inhabiting the immediate location. It doesn't change for us because we are temporarily traveling through. Blood seems to be the last color Mason can comprehend directly after death which is why the colors are changing to..." Damon holds his hands in front of him, palms up, and moves them outward for emphasis. "But he is leaving which is why the color is changing back. We should go as well; there is still some more work that must be done." I stand still knowing that if ever I do return to emotion-land I will hate myself for leaving without seeing Mason. "Let's go and come back some other time. I don't have time to just listen to you complain about seeing each other." He announces to both, Mason and I. "Come on." He holds out his hand for me to grab.

We vanish from the void and reappear in my room. My room back home. "Pack. You'll be gone for a while. Don't bring clothes; we have them tailored for you elsewhere. Bring anything that is sentimental."

If I had emotions I would have cried, seeing my room, threw myself on my bed and laid there in despair, hoping it was all just a dream. Instead, I feel a disconnect between myself and this room. I know it is just a room but I feel it should be something more. I am almost scared; I cannot feel what the room should invoke.

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