The Accident

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Even though I'm not sad, I wake up crying again.. In fact, I am the complete opposite. I'm actually happy. I feel more rested for the first time in a while. It was Monday though so I really did feel like crying.

I get dressed and do my hair but don't wear makeup. I trade out my school supplies like I always do and put on my glasses. "Have a good day okay? Don't let anyone bother you." Danny pops up behind me in my mirror. I smile softly. "I know it is hard. But you can do it." She reassures me that everything will be okay and somehow I feel like it just might. Although, I can't help but feel the slight tingle that's telling me something is terribly wrong.

I get my keys, say bye to my dog and leave. It's foggy outside but it's still somewhat sunny somehow. It is only six in the morning so the brightness of the sun behind the fog surprises me. I get coffee from the local coffee shop and go to school.

In health class, the teacher just tells more stories so I sit in the back of the room writing from the fifty prompts list. I choose the prompt that said "What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?"

See, I'd have so many questions to ask. I'm not sure which question I'd ask first. Part of me thinks I'd try to be funny and say "Five more minutes." The other part of me would panic and realize the people I love probably weren't alive anymore. The only person that might be alive is my baby brother, assuming I was frozen right now, he'd be 103 when I woke up. "Is my brother alive?" Would be my first question in that case. If Mason was frozen with me, I'd ask "When will he wake up?" It's all very situational.

Class hadn't let out yet so I choose another prompt. "What age do you wish you could permanently be?"

I wish I could permanently be twenty-three. I would be legally, an adult. I would be able to live on my own. I wouldn't be too old but I wouldn't be too young. I think twenty-one is too young and everyone would think every action I took was on impulse because that's what people think twenty-one-year-olds do. I think twenty-two isn't too young but that is when all the decisions I made as a twenty-one-year-old would come back to haunt me. Twenty-three is the perfect age. Everything is calming down from the year before and you are much wiser. Twenty-four is young too but it's on the brink of twenty-five and that's when all the panic of aginging sets in.

Class lets out right as I finish my writing. I pack up my notebook and head to the breakfast line to get food. The only thing set out is a cinnamon bun looking roll with cheap looking icing and fake looking sliced almonds. I didn't get breakfast to say the least.

I go to the school library which is where my dance class is supposed to meet today to present information about a dancer or choreographer of our choosing. We all protested this because we all needed to practice for our final routine but the teacher wouldn't have it. Bizmo and I chose Mark Morris. We both don't feel well because of our winter allergies so this is going to be really fun.

I think that this project is stupid because this class is labeled kinesiology dance-a physical therapy dance class. Nothing about this class is therapeutic to me. The whole reason I joined this class is for my messed up knee and ankle and for the P.E credits I'm currently missing.

A handful of groups present their dancer of choosing before me and my partner. We are not very prepared so we do not object. Once it is our turn, we have everything we need planned out. Bizmo will do the first half of the slides, and I will do the last half. My teacher pulls our presentation up on the overhead and we proceed to give everyone information they will never use in their lifetime ever. Class lets out after two more presentations. We all hand in our notes that were required of us and go our separate ways.

I go to my Spanish class. The teacher is not there but her daughter, who is a substitute teacher, is there to take her place. She opens the class warm up and gives us the lay of the lesson for the day. I do the warm up quickly; we have to write sentences with our vocab. I go on to our daily activity. Our daily activity is a review packet for a test. I finish that before she goes to check last night's homework. I decide to write in my journal more. The prompt is "What have you only recently formed an opinion about?"

Okay. I did this essay scholarship contest a little while ago. The prompt that was given to us was about whether or not the death penalty was constitutional. I had to draw distinct lines between my emotions and facts. I came up with the conclusion that it is, in fact, constitutional. However, there are many flaws to the system that make many question the integrity of the death penalty. For example, those that slip through the cracks. Innocent people that have been put to death or guilty people who escaped death by the hairs on their head. Although there are flaws, there is no other system aside from jail. Jail is already overpopulated as it is so I don't believe it is an option.

The bell for lunch rings. I get lunch and go to the art room to eat and type more of my novel. "You'll be here Wednesday right?" The art club director asks me. I nod. "We are taking art club pictures tomorrow to please make sure you are here." I nod. I haven't sketched in a while I think I need to start getting back into drawing every day. I've committed to writing every day though so I don't know how well that would work out.

The bell to tell us to go to our last period for the day rings louder than the rest. I think it does that on purpose so people in the school yard and in the loud cafeteria can hear it but it makes me jump every time.

I go to my agriculture class. We have presentations in this class today too and my partner isn't here. Awe man. This sucks. Groups of other people went ahead of me. Thankfully class let out before she could even get to my group. That just means I have to do it some other time though so I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

I run out of class to my car. I get out of my parking space before the line of cars even begin to form. I drive down the street and notice a car coming up behind me with a girl sitting on top. I slow down to get them to slow down. They don't slow down so I park across all the lanes of the street and get out to tell the freshmen to get her off the car.

I pull into the gas station to get a drink and gas. The car full of freshman has parked in front of me. They each get out and take turns smacking the hood of my car. They create a rather large dent when they are done taking out their frustration. Maybe I can make up some crazy story for the dent and scratches on my car for later. I'll take it though. That girl could have died. So I'll take the good karma.

As they all get in the car someone pulled in front of them to stop them from leaving. She looked like a senior. She walked to the car of freshmen. "Get out of the car. Now." She looked at the roof girl. "This is my sister. She is going to take all of the money in her wallet and give it to you right now." She looks at her sister. "Just for reference I know how much you have and how hard you worked for it. You could have just wasted all that work because of the stunt you just pulled and she saved your life. You owe her more than just that but it's a start." She watches the girl take all of the money out of her wallet and give in to me. "Now every single one of your parents will be contacted." She says through the rolled down window of the freshman's car. "I took a video from my dash-cam of the whole thing starting from the lot." She tells the freshman. "Now I suggest you leave before the police show up." The driver backs the car out of the gas station and tears out. "That should be enough to fix it. If anything the parents of those kids will gladly put in money to help. Here's my number. Text me so I can have yours. I'm sorry about my sister." Her sister, still standing in front of my car, looks at me like I was the villain. "Do not look at her that way. You could have died. You owe her a lot more than $600. Get in the car. Now." The freshman drags her feet as she walks to the car and pouts when she gets in. "Thank you for stopping them. I was trying to but they kept speeding up every time I was close. I'm sorry about your car. Like I said that should fix it. I will call all of their parents as soon as I inform my parents so please text me as soon as possible so I can give you their parents' information." She looks down and walks to the driver side of the car. I hear the sister try to say something. "Don't even say anything." They drive off. I get in my car and head home.

Once I get home I get all my homework done and go to sleep. I kept waking up every once in a while but I slept for a good few hours and woke up around dinner time. Mason doesn't call me again. I eat and go back to sleep. I try to go to my sanctuary but for some reason I can't. I wonder if something is wrong.

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