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The sound of soft snoring beside me wakes me up. The soreness all over my body is a reminder of what me and Damon did last night. I roll onto my side to face Damon. His chest rises and falls gently.

I don't want to wake him up so I leave the big room, walk through the small hallway to the living room. I go to my room to grab clothes out of my closet. I choose a loose, long sleeve dress that goes all the way to the floor. I grab a bra and pair of underwear and walk to the spring room.

I float in the water for a while and relax to soothe my muscles. I feel the world closing around me so I swim to the edge as fast as I can. I tread the water as if it's nothing. I push myself onto the rock edge. Before my head hits the floor, I'm out.

"How are you doing mija?" Damon walks up to me reaching for my stomach. I look down at my watermelon sized belly and his hand smiling. "Is she ok?"

I nod, "I'm okay. I've been really tired today. It's the iron. I need more vitamins soon I'm almost out. She kicked really hard today; I think she's mad at me for not eating that cake last night." I say, half mad at him for not letting me eat the cake.

"You told me not to let you eat any junk food. A cake is junk food." Damon's tongue drips with sarcasm. I give him a quick death glare. "You'll think me for it later." One of the fae maids teleport in, and out with the cake Damon forbade me to eat. I stalked to the couch and laid down on my left side, facing the fireplace. Damon sits in the lazy boy at the head of the couch and rubs my swollen feet.

"I love you." I say as I drift off to sleep.

Pressure releases from my chest when I sit up to find a towel covering me and Olivia sitting on with her legs crossed and her back turned towards me. Her long hair is put into one braid down the center of her back. She sits with her back straight like a proper princess.

"You're really pretty you know." I say quietly to let her know I'm awake. Olivia turns around and laughs at me. She's almost brought to tears.

"You meet your long lost daughter and that's what you say?" She hugs me as tight as she can. Which, for the record, is pretty damn tight for a small girl. I remember the love I had felt for her in the moment Damon touched my stomach and the love I had for him when I was falling asleep.

I start crying. Olivia starts to sniff to keep from crying. The babbling and wailing of a daughter comes soon after. Damon runs in the room after hearing our wailing. After seeing that no one was hurt he yells over our crying. "What happened?" Olivia grabs his pant leg and pulls him down into the hug. We all sit, hugging each other until Damon picks me up and takes me to the bedroom and Olivia is left giggle. I grab my clothes before he can rush away.

"I can walk you know." I nuzzle into his shoulder as we reach the kitchen. His muscles strain as he tries to put me down but I hold onto him, wanting him to carry me more.

"You said you could walk." He throws his head back a little when he laughs. I pinch his arm.

The air feels heavier as we get closer to the waterfall. I tap Damon when I feel an itch in the back of my mind. He puts me down, noticing the same thing. He crouches down to peek around the corner. The air, I realize, is getting thicker as we get closer to the bigger bedroom. With my towel still wrapped around me, I quickly shove on all my clothes and yank the towel off. I feel the same itch again. As if it's instinct I turn around to look behind me.

There is a toad. This is the first time I haven't froze when seeing one. I study it before it sees me. Their skin is green and brown and looks almost slimy. He's wearing what looks like armor but it's gnarled and chipped in some places. The rusty armor wouldn't do anything if they were attacked. It's for show. This one isn't a fighter. Its fingers twitch and its back is hunched over when it walks. Its eyes are circular and black and look empty. Until he spots me staring at him.

His back immediately straightens. I close my eyes and will some sort of defensive weapon to be in front of me. When I open my eyes I have a long sword in my hands and the toad right in front of me. His eyes full of death and hate, he charges at me, not minding the sword that could slice him in half. I get ready in one of the many stances Damon taught me during my training. Damon.

I hear grunts and groans in the hallway to our bedroom. He must be fighting him already. I'm okay. Don't lose focus they'll take the advantage. These aren't fighters. They're newborns so You got this. Damon's voice enters my mind. He assures me I can do this and that's all I need. I charge towards the toad, its arms twisting into disfigured shapes. Its small mouth is open to reveal lines of sharp teeth.

The toad's arms are short and weak along with its legs. That's what I aim for. Its legs are taken out from under him first. With the creature on its back I stab through the armor.

A white flash and the green and brown skin turns into pale blue. The ugly distorted arms turn into tiny broken fae arms with bruises everywhere. It used to be fae. It used to be good. What is going on? What happened to them? "Thank you." The fae breathes in a deep breath and disintegrates into ash. 

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