King Alpin

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"Lily!" The sudden realization that I had killed something knocks me off my feet.

"Mom! Are you okay?" Olivia runs up to me, sliding to her knees. Looking me over, she shoos Damon away. "Go get her a drink." She orders.

"You sure are bossy to your own dad." I smile up at her. The room was spinning around me. Damon is back with a glass of water so I take it and gulp it down. Handing it back to him, "Can you get me more please?" He takes the glass and walks away. Red. "Hey come here." I say to Damon. Something is wrong. He's bleeding. He walks faster away to the kitchen. I stand up with disregard for my condition. "Olivia get bandages." I tell her before I even see the wound that was bleeding.

Olivia disappears and reappears moments later next to me and Damon. I was right to ask for the bandages. The cut is gruesome. The toad must have scratched Damon's leg. You could see the muscles in his calf. The bleeding hadn't stopped yet so that was my first mission. I packed bandage into his cut to stop the bleeding. "You will need stitches." Damon chuckles. "What?" I look at him, angered with his response.

"I don't need stitches. I just need to wash it." He whispers to me. He puts his hand on the side of my face. His eyes give away how much he loves me. Before I even realize it I'm crying again. Geez. You and your emotions. Damon chuckles. "O, can you put up a barrier before you go on your next assignment? I don't want this to happen again. I think I found a way to stop this madness." She nods her head once. She looks at me with love and sadness in her eyes.

"Call for me when you remember my 5th birthday." Olivia walks away and doesn't look back at me.

"Come, Lily. You should rest more before you pass out." Damon pulls me to the bedroom again. This time we aren't interrupted. "You have questions." Damon states after I take off my dress and lay in bed.

"Not really. I don't remember much yet." Damon lays next to me, running his fingers up and down the middle of my stomach. I want to freeze time. I've spent a whole year with him and I've fallen so hard. I roll over to lay my head on his chest. The blanket rustles as I move. Pain.

"Don't fight it." My face contorts in pain and a silent scream escapes my mouth. "It's okay. Sleep." Damon kisses the top of my forehead. A type of ease floods over my muscles as I slip from consciousness.

White flowers are spread across the ground around me. The ground is flush, green grass and dirt. I look up. There is a group of people in front of me, standing in front of chairs. I lift my head straight up and begin walking by some kind of will that isn't my own. I am terrified; I don't want to keep walking. This is a memory. You don't have a choice. I tell myself.

My bare feet find a wood patio that had been painted and coated in some sort of lacquer. The eyes of hundreds of people follow me down the patio as I take my place in front of a familiar face. Damon. This must be our wedding. A calm takes over when he takes my hand and repeats his vows to me from the heart. I say vows I somehow remember as my past self says them. He kisses me, sealing our marriage.

The ceremony ends and I have a break from the overwhelming experience. I get to see the dress. In the mirror of the dressing room, I look at the reflection looking back at me. She has almost the exact same features as me except her freckles are nonexistent and her hair is black and long while mine is brown and short.

The dress was knee length and puffed out at the waist. It wasn't completely white it had a blue undertone. The sleeves were made of tool and were off the shoulder. The neckline was a heart cut and the bodice almost looked like a corset. There weren't any beads or sequins but the tool was bunched up in some places around the bodice to create flower-like shapes.

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