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Danny and I are standing in a field of tall grass and dandelions. I stare at the sky that seems to be clear and lit but has no sun. "Pretty, huh?" Danny says. She sounds muffled, like she's whispering right next to me but she's a couple paces ahead and it looked like she was talking normally.

"Usually I don't like places like these because of bugs." I tell Danny. She giggles and points to what looks like a butterfly. "It's so pretty." I look closer. It doesn't have normal wings; they look identical to a drawing I had in my sketchbook."It's changing colors... Wait. It's iridescent." I colored the butterfly in my drawing as if it were iridescent. She ran ahead of me motioning for me to follow. Why isn't she talking?

"I want to show you something." She yells over her shoulder. We've been running for a while. My breath hasn't gotten any harder than when we started running. I love this! I notice how easily the air flows around me. What am I wearing that makes it this easy to run?

It was a loose two piece dress with an ombre bottom. The bottom was navy blue, almost black, and it faded up into baby blue which, in turn, faded into white. The top had long, lace, sleeves that fell off my shoulders. No wonder it was so easy to run. The dress practically melts into wind. But I doubt it has anything to do with why I'm running so easily.

The long grass flattened and left a path behind us as we ran. I was scared that someone may follow us. "This is your field. It is your thoughts' home." We stopped in front of a huge, beautiful Willow tree. In the trunk of the tree there was a staircase that swirled up and around. "No one can get in unless you invite them in. I wanted to show you because this is your sanctuary. This is where you can go if you need to take a small, fleeting breather. You may invite whomever you want but you should be careful. If you invite them in,even once, they can come in whenever they please." Danny tells me.

"Why is it so empty?" I ask her. She shrugged. "If it is my sanctuary, why is it so empty? I enjoy a lot more than trees and grass fields." I ask again.

"You were not aware of your sanctuary until now so you could not have built very much. But now you know so it is only limited to your imagination. Think of your favorite animal." Danny told me. I thought of Lina and my parrot, Lee, at once. I heard barking and squawking echoing everywhere. "Good. Now you must will it. Tell them to come to you. Visualize where you want them and they will be there. It helps to verbalize what you want at first." I focus on seeing Lina running down the tree staircase and Lee flying down from the branches and landing on my arm.

"Lina, Lee. Come say hi to me and Danny!." I tell them I want them next to me and Danny. Lina seems to pixelate as she appears and becomes more realistic, like a video game when you first load in. Lina runs down the steps to me. I here Lee's squawking from above me. To my surprise, he is coming full speed at my arm. "Easy." He slows and lands on my arm as I hold it out for him. "He can fly! He can't fly!" She nods.

"In his sanctuary, he can fly so he can fly here. Even more so because you imagined him flying." I kissed Lina on her nose and Lee on his beak. "It is almost time for you to go to school so you need to wake up. Do the same thing you did when you allowed Lina and Lee in but you must guide them to the exit or they will be stuck here, because they are animals, until you come back. For non-living things that isn't such a big deal but you don't want Lina and Lee asleep all day and not waking up. Just tell them to leave."

"Alright. Guys let's go. You need to leave." I tell them. They slowly begin to re-pixelate and disappear. "Wake up." I tell myself.

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