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I wake up around three in the morning the next day. The first thing I notice is my door. Of which is open. The second thing I notice is someone crawling on my floor. I begin to panic thinking it is one of the evil fae Danny was talking to me about the other day. Toads, she called them. I look closer and see my brother, Jordan, on his hands and knees next to my dresser. My dresser has all of my valuables in it. "Get out." I say without raising my voice or sitting up. My heart is still beating out of my chest. I turn on my desk light. He had frozen in place as if it would make me not see him. "I said get out. And If I ever see you in my room again, I will never speak to you again. Do you understand me? Mom and Dad may not discipline you but I will." I told him. He stood up.

"I'm sorry." He walks out of my room slowly. His hands in his pockets fidget.

"Pockets. Now." He freezes in the doorway. "Empty them now." He takes his hands out of he pockets and with his hands comes two generous handfuls of twenty dollar bills. "Really? Do you even know how hard I worked for that money? Mom and Dad literally buy you everything. You want for nothing and yet you steal my hard earned money? Why?" He walks my money over to my nightstand and lays it all down without answering my question. "Do not move." I count the money, making sure he gave it all back. I counted 500. That was nearly all I had in my dresser.

I get up and check that the rest is still there. It is. I've always hidden my money in separate drawers in case this happens. It looks like he only got half out of one of the drawers. "You were about to walk out of my room with 500 dollars. Why?" He looks at his feet without saying a word. "WHY?" I scream at him.

His eyes begin to could over. The pit of my stomach begins to feel uneasy but I am too angry to notice. "I don't know. I just wanted to look through your journal. Then I found the money. Do Mom and Dad know you have all this?" I look at him angrily, knowing full well he is about to try to blackmail me.

"No, they do not. Otherwise, you know, I would not have it. And they better not find out. I am saving up to fix my car." He smirks.

"What did you do to your car?" His smirk deepens.

"Ask Dad. He is the one who did it. He scratched it on something. But he won't pay to get it repainted, so I have to." His smug look fades as he realizes there is nothing to blackmail me for. He loves my car as much as I do; he would never want it to go without repair to damages. "Are we in an understanding then?" He nods "Great doing business with you. Now, go."

He left with head hanging in defeat. I happily went back to sleep after placing a canvas in front of the door so that if my brother tried to come in again it would fall and make noise.

I wake up slightly confused and groggy with my mom standing in the doorway. "Seriously?" She says angrily, in a whisper. In a panic, seeing the sun shine through my window, I look at the time on my phone. It was six thirty-eight. Seeing the awareness sink in, my mom looks at me smugly, rolls her eyes and walks away.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm late. Dammit Danny why didn't you wake me up?" I ask Danny, assuming she would answer but to my luck no response. I was hoping she would be able to do that fae dust thing again for me so If by chance I did come in late, my teacher wouldn't notice me walking into the room. I quickly threw on some sweat-shorts and a loose black shirt. I grabbed my bag and keys, put on my glasses and left.

Thankfully, I get to health class on time and sit down unnoticed no thanks to Danny, who is nowhere to be seen. We only talked about the test we'd be taking soon so even if I had been late it wouldn't have been a huge deal. Despite that, my adrenaline is still pumping from almost being late. After we go over the criteria we need to know, the talky freshman tells yet another one of her unrelated stories. The Mr. Derekson dismisses us early by five minutes.

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