My Personal Make-up Artist

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"Hey Lily. Time to wake up." Danny is sitting on the edge of my bed. There is no imprint where she sits. I stretch and yawn. "I'll do your hair and outfit okay? Stand up." She told me to stay still. A minute later, a really pretty, comfortable, flowy dress replaces Mason's oversized T-shirt. "Much better." The dress is pale pink and matched the one Danny was wearing last night.

She is wearing a pale blue dress in a mermaid style, today. "Wow." I said looking into my body length mirror. She smiles, pleased with my reaction. We move to the mirror over my dresser.

"Now your hair. I like what you do with your makeup, so you'll do that, but the foundation you use is just a little too yellow which makes it look too dark so I got you a new one that matches. I'll do your hair. You do your makeup." Her and I work at the same time and she finishes my hair right after I finish my makeup. It only takes us half an hour together. "Now for the reveal." She had done a french fishtail braid that started at the top, right side of my head and crossed to the bottom, left side. After looking at it I realize she has put tiny gems throughout the braid they have pink tones just like the dress. "You need a little blush. Here." She pinches my cheeks gently to make them slightly pink. "Perfect." She covers my eyes for dramatic effect and uncovers them. She is smiling at me. I look in the mirror and laugh, joyous for how good I actually look.

"Thank you."

"For what? The dress is your design-I snagged it from your sketchbook-and the makeup is yours. I just put your hair into a braid." She tells me that she got the design of the dress from a drawing I had done a while ago and the hair style was something I had dreamt of last night. "Hurry or you'll be late."

I switch the supplies out of my bag and put the ones I'd need for the day into my bag and I go downstairs to start my coffee.

The coffee machine beeps announcing to me that the brew is done. I get a cup and fill it three-fourths of the way up. I add a little French crème flavored creamer and some white chocolate syrup and stirred it with a straw. I get my lanyard, with my keys and student ID, from my backpack and go to the car.

I have to let the car warm up to defrost the windows. It is the transition from fall to winter so instead of snow we get frost. Soon enough though, we'd be getting snow and the guys at the shop will have to have chains put on their tires.

The car heats up in about five minutes. The hot air is starting to make my eyes water so I turn it off and cracked the window for a moment to cool the air in the car a little. I back out and head to school.

I didn't get very many stares like I usually do in my normal clothes. In fact, it felt like no one saw me at all. "Danny." She popped up next to me. I put my cell phone up to my ear so no one would think that I was talking to myself even though no one was really looking at me. "Why does it seem like no one can see me?" I ask.

"Your dress; it has fae dust on it. The people whom you don't want to look at you, won't see you unless you directly speak to them. Cool huh?" She smiled at me. She has a really sweet smile. I nodded.

"Could I use it against other people if I don't want to see them?" Danny laughs at my semi-joking comment.

"It doesn't really work like that. If you don't want to see certain people, I'm afraid, you just have to avoid them." Danny answers me in a sweet tone but not in a condescending type of way.

"Thank you. I thought it was the complete opposite and I didn't look very good or I messed up something." Danny shook her head.

"You look like a model. You strut your stuff!" She said goodbye and disappeared into thin air.

I went through the school day as happy as can be. Some of my friends like Bizmo and Malory noticed almost no one was noticing my existence. They said that I had some sort of super power-which is close enough-and that they wanted it. School let out and soon, I was on my way home.

I lay in bed for a little while and decide that I really want to draw but I don't want to get up so instead, I write in my journal a little more. "I need to get off my lazy bum and draw. It's productive." I say the last bit in a sing-song voice in an attempt to persuade myself to get up. It works to some extent.

I look online for inspiration and end up looking at Lilo and Stitch pictures. I take a reference picture of Stitch facing forward. I draw him holding a heart and decide to paint him with water colors later. I draw Lilo, more grown up than she was in the movie, next to Stitch dancing. "I'll color her in with pencils." I fish up sketching then do the line work with my size-five Micron pen and my copic markers. I have to let them dry or the ink will smear so I leave them alone on my desk.

Meanwhile I go downstairs to get my dinner. There is frozen fish and shrimp on a cookie sheet that had just come out of the oven. I don't like frozen fish so I made my own alfredo instead. I eat it in thirty minutes. On my way back into my room, I invite Lina to lay in bed with me.

I brush my hair out and change into another oversized T-shirt. I am ready for bed. Mason hasn't called or texted me yet today. Once I lay down, I get a book to read a few chapters. Each chapter is only three or four pages so I read more than I planned to when I started.

I lay in bed for a while thinking about why me not reading is so upsetting. I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to read more than an article of news on my phone. I used to read all the time though. I love reading. As I think about how much I used to read I drift off into a dream. The dream slowly but surely turns into a nightmare, as do most of my dreams.

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