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"Danny?" It's 1:00 am; I can't stop thinking about the toad and its involvement in the missing people cases. I know she knows something that she isn't telling me. I am set on getting it out of her. "The only person who has been found is Sam. That strikes me as a bit unnerving. It doesn't seem right to me. Please I know you know something" After a moment of silence, Danny appears in front of my desk, unusually unkempt. She isn't as bright as she usually appears;she is somewhat paler, almost as if she was in a black and white movie. As a matter of fact she is grey; the entirety of her body is in a grey scale. Her hair, usually a bright color and straight, is now a light grey and looks like a bird's nest. Her skin is a darker grey and all of the blemishes that she had on the surface are black now. "What?" She looks at me. "Danny?" She looks at me as if she can't understand a single word I am saying. She mutters something to herself in a foreign language.

"Danny isn't with us anymore. My name is Nalia. I am here to take you to the queen." Queen? What Queen? "I see Danny didn't tell you. Well, I am sure you will find out for yourself soon enough." Nalia grabs my wrist. I have a gut-wrenching feeling as my room melts away from my vision and is replaced with a seemingly endless black room.

"Hello." A sweet voice flows through the air as if it were the wind. A woman in an extravagant white ball gown glides out of the dark abyss with tiny firefly like lights surrounding her. "I am the queen. My name is Cecilia. I have been informed that you have met with Danny?" I nod with my mouth wide open in amazement, although I am terrified. The firefly lights seem to be emanating from her body as if the glow was seeping from her skin. "Had she told you of your story?" I shook my head in response still not able to speak and slightly confused. "Close your mouth and speak dear. You look like an ignorant, gawking child; I despise children." I close my mouth so fast I almost bite my tongue. I did not close my mouth on purpose, I notice. I only did what I was told; like a puppet to a ventriloquist.

"I'm sorry if I sound rude saying this but, what am I doing here?" I try to ask nicely. You never want to piss off royalty right? She stays silent so I repeat my question.

"She can't understand you. I have to translate for you." I hear a voice that sounds vaguely familiar. "Over here." I hear snapping and follow the sound with my eyes. I skim over a figure slowly appearing out of the darkness. I do a double take. It is Sam; the person that died on the construction site.

"What the hell is going on here???!!!" He's alive?! "Y-You're dead." I say redundantly, stumbling over my words.

"Well... Yes. I am not an actual person; I'm a soul." I am so confused.

"What is the girl saying Wordsmith?" The queen is addressing Sam.

"She admires you, ma'am. She would like if you tell her story." He looks at the queen with familiarity instead of awe like I do.

"You are known in the fae's world as a savior of times. You have saved us many a time in past lives and it is your job to continue to save us. In no order does this end happen it is always random. In your most recent past life, it happened when you were twenty-seven. In this life, it will happen on your 18th birthday. You must train to stop it and find the evil roots in your town and extinguish the dark powers they hold. Time moves a bit differently here. It is much faster. That means for example a so called 'month' of time here would be maybe an 'hour' there. Because times moves so much faster here we have no concept- or word, shall I say, for time. So that is just an example; not to say it is the exact measurement of time. Anyhow, with that in mind, You should have more than enough time to train and ready yourself." During her whole speech I can't help but stare at how gorgeous she is. "Mason-who I believe you know-was attacked last night and taken by this evil force. However they have been tracking him for days-distracting him from things like talking to friends and family." My heart stops. She senses my fear and panic and quickly continues. "They have given us a choice to hand over Wordsmith-whom we stole from them-in turn for Mason. I have agreed to these terms. He has also agreed to these terms. In fact, it was his choice However, Wordsmith is the only human soul we have found that can translate you humans so that I can understand. Although you may be able to understand me, it is not mutual. As for many of my kin. It will be a great loss to not have my translator." She looks to Sam with sad eyes. "So Wordsmith will give you your orders and you shall follow them to the smallest fragment of detail. Keep in mind during your instruction, I will not be able to understand you. That should not be too big of a problem considering you will not be talking to me during this period." She glides away and fades into the darkness without saying goodbye.

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