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I skate down the street with my music turned up all the way up. My breathing is heavy and my chest hurts but I keep going. My music stops playing so I look at my phone. My parents are calling me home.

It takes me ten minutes to get home. "Hey. T is coming over with her brother in a little ok?" My mom tells me when I come in. "You be good okay? I've got to go to work for a little while." Oh god.

"Can I just go with you?" I hate them. I hate T and I hate Silas. My mom shakes her head. The doorbell rings.


I run to my room and lock the door. "She's upstairs T. I'll be home in about an hour. Just make sure she stays in the house." My door knob begins to turn.

No. The key.

I panic. Where's the key? I drop to the floor. It's not here. It's on top of the door.

"Silas leave her alone. Her mom said she's sleeping. Do you want lunch?" The door knob stops turning and I hear footsteps lead away. When I'm sure he is downstairs, I run out of my room and get the key. I run back into my room and lock the door.

"Lily you need to come eat. I've saved you some." Silas is back outside my room. To other people he sounds sweet but I know what he is doing. He wants me to let him in so he can hurt me again.


"Come on let me in." The fourteen-year-old said.

"N-No." the ten-year-old me said. "Y-You can't come in. Go away." I heard my door rattle. I imagined Silas reaching up for the key and it not being there. He made a low growling sound.

"Where's the key Lily?" I knew it. T come get him. Don't let him come in again.

"T she's locked the door." T had a key...

No. Wake up!

I heard steps outside the door. My head suddenly felt like I had hit it really hard against a table.

Wake up! Now!

The key was in the lock. I heard it turning.

No no no no no no. Wake up!!!

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