Chapter 3

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Hailey's P.O.V

It annoys me how the weekends fly by so fast, even if you’re not doing anything they fly by. Its Monday morning, I was awoken by my daily text of MrNiceGuy101 ‘good morning sweetxxx’. Every time I read a text I receive from this dude, I have a smile grow across my face. He is my only friend, and even if I have never met him, or even seen him, I like to say we are close.

Black and white patterned leggings, white tank top, black blazer and black TOMS, what I have chosen to wear today. Even though I don't have many designer things, I do wear the latest fashion, and these leggings are the latest fashion.  I’ve left my hair to fall around my shoulders; I'm wearing my normal make up. Grabbing my phone and grey messenger school bag, I leave my room go down the stairs and out the door. I’ve decided against having breakfast in the house, as I don't want to talk to my parents, so I'm going to go to star bucks and get a coffee.

Once I got there, I went a queued up in the line, I eventually got served by a middle aged man, who had light stubble around his jaw and across the top of his lips. I placed my order of a latte to go, then went and stood at the stand for my coffee. A group of teenagers walk into the shop, one being the Zayn Malik, he looked at me and gave me a half smile then he placed his order, and stood next to me at the stand. He didn’t say a word, his mates had already got their drinks and were waiting outside for Zayn. I got the bitchy remarks from them, but they didn’t hurt, I think Zayn felt bad though, but oh well, my order was finally ready, I took it from the man and walked out of the door, completely ignoring the freaks people call popular.

I arrived at school, later then usual, caused by the fact I went to star bucks, but when I walked into tutor. All of the students were already sat with their mates, talking about what they did at the weekend, I went to sit in my normal space, but it had been claimed, by a new girl. I looked around the room; the only spare seat was next to Zayn, at the back, he isn’t with any of his mates, they weren’t even in the room? Maybe they are in trouble or bunking off. “Hailey, please sit down.”

“But sir, my seats taken.” I replied, mumbling.

“There is a seat at the back, go sit there.” My tutor replied, pointing at the back of the class, the chair next to Zayn. Before I could even say anything, the headmaster appeared at the door frame, gazing at me.

“Is there a problem miss Griffins?” he asked, his double chin wobbling as he spoke, I rolled my eyes.

“No.” I said, then stamping to the back and sat next to Zayn, this is going to be an eventful hour.

Zayn didn’t speak a word, he knew I didn’t want to be there, and by the looks of things he didn’t want me there either, great, this is going to be torture, with the entire name calling and bitching. Wait a second, at the beach; he said he wouldn’t be harsh to me anymore? I wonder if he even remembers that, and if he will even keep to his promise, we shall see.

“Now, I want you to work with the person next to you, and you need to list all the feelings and emotions someone would feel whilst experiencing bullying, problems at home, depression, anything like that.” My tutor said at the top of his voice, making sure everyone heard. The desks in this room only sits two people, which means I can't work on my own like I usually do, but I have to work with Zayn. Isn’t it a bit ironic how the examples are the exact things that happen in my life?

“Ok, well you say, I write?” Zayn said, freeing me from my thoughts, I looked at my side at Zayn, he is biting his lip and his eyebrows are frowned.

“Whatever.” I said, a bit more rudely then implied. Zayn didn’t reply, but took a pen from his jean pocket and wrote our names at the top. Zayn and Hailey, it’s weird to see our names put together like that. Not in a millions year did I think I would work with Zayn, even if we were sat next to each other.  I'm pretty sure Zayn feels the same way too; when I looked back at Zayn, he was staring at me, waiting for me to start saying some words.

“Err... Um...  sad?” I said, making myself sound unsure, as if I don't feel any of these ways, like I have never told Zayn anything, and he didn’t know. Zayn raised his eyebrow at me, but wrote it down anyway. When he put his pen to the paper, there was already a word down; I couldn’t read it as his hand was in the way.

When Zayn finished writing, and pulled his hand away from the sheet of white paper, I could see the word. ‘Worthless’, I don't know weather to be happy he put that, or sad? Happy because he knows that’s how I feel, or sad because that’s an emotion that I was forced to believe I am.  I know for a fact this is going to be awkward, I don't want to say too much, and make it look like I do actually feel all theses things, even if I do or don't.

“Unsure?” I offered, Zayn nodded and wrote it down. I never have realised just how black his hair is. Ok yeah his hair is black, but it’s even blacker up close. His hair is styled to perfection, with the quiff turning up on its ends.

“Why are you acting like nothing has happened?” Zayn said, out of the blue.

“What...What do you mean?” I asked, trying to sound unsure of what he was implying, even though I knew exactly what he means.

“We talked for an hour yesterday at the beach, you started crying on me?  You told me loads about things? And now you’re acted like nothing happened?” Zayn said a little annoyed as he said this.

“What do you expect Zayn?! It’s not exactly on my things to do, to just open up and tell a boy that has full on bullied me, and was part of the cause of my depression, everything?!” I whisper-shouted at him back. Zayn look a little taken back by my comment and just looked down.

“You have no Idea how guilty I feel about that, you know, I never thought you would take it to heart as much as you have, I know this sounds sick, but... I was joking around at first, but then my mates. They pressured me into doing it more, and then it got to this. Please, you have to know how sorry I am...!” Zayn said back, his voice breaking now and sounding as if he was about to cry.

“I didn’t tell you all of that stuff to make you feel bad, I have never spoke to anyone about that sort of stuff, apart from the doctor. To know you know, the person that bullies me, thinking he could use it against me and tell the whole school, it’s scary Zayn. You have the high in life, whereas I have the low and it’s not nice where I am.” I said, tears forming in my eyes, and one flowing down my cheek.  Then Zayn done something I would never expect him to do, he took my hand under the table and squeezed it lightly.

“Like I said, I want you to know how sorry I am, look put your number in, and I’ll text you, therefore you have me to talk to as well.” Zayn offered, taking out his phone and placing it in my free hand, whilst rubbing his thumb gently against my thumb. Wait, if I gave him my number, how do I know he won’t give it out? “I promise I won’t give it to anyone.

“Zayn... How do I know you’re not just using me, to find stuff out to use against me? To cause even more shit for me?” I said, unsure about this whole situation.

“You don't I guess, but I like I have said, I promise I won’t tell anyone about anything you have told me, and I promise I won’t give anyone your number.”


What the hell am I doing?! I'm typing my number into Zayn Malik’s phone, giving him my number?! Have I completely lost it, he bullied me for 3 years and now I'm giving him my number? Without even thinking, I clicked save and gave him back his phone, then my phone vibrated against my thigh. Taking out my phone, and clicked on the unknown number’s message. ‘I promise I won’t give anyone the number! xxx’. I smiled at the fact he put three kisses on the end, it was cute really, why the hell am I even talking to him, working with him, after everything he has done? But I can't stay angry at him, it’s impossible! I can't resist him; to be honest I actually hate liking Zayn, because I can't stay angry at him.

Cyberspace (A Zayn Malik Love Story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now