Chapter 24

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-2 years later-

Hailey's P.O.V

“Babe? Can you pass me my phone?” Jed called, passing him his phone on the kitchen side, my phone vibrates in my hand. Checking the text message that is appearing on my screen, it shows that Louis has texted me, again.

‘Hey babe! We just got back from tour, and Liam and I NEEED to see you, we have missed you like anything, when can you come down? You can stay at my place for a week or two?xxxx’


Louis is back in town, it’s so hard to actually come to terms with that fact, my two best friends and my ex boyfriend, are now one of the most famous boy bands in the world. Crazy right? I knew Zayn could sing, but I didn’t have a clue that Louis, Liam, Niall and Harry could. They went onto the X factor whilst they were all split at college then got put together as a group. I went with Louis, and I have never been so proud of him, but now? Its mind boggerling how everything has changed.

Changed, I wish nothing had changed, well apart from the boys getting their dreams and becoming singers. But I wish I never left London, and I wish I never left Zayn, I wish I never left my best friends and my life behind. Zayn, his name still causes the butterflies in my stomach to run wild, sometimes I completely forget that we have broken up, and it’s been two years since I last saw him, but eventually I remember.

Jed, he is my boyfriend now, by boyfriend I mean a serious one, we have been together for two years, the day I gave him my number. He immediately asked me on a date and I was stupid enough to say yes. Stupid, yeah I am stupid, because I'm dating a boy that is crazy in love with me, but I'm crazy in love with Zayn still.

Its funny how everything always comes back to Zayn, everything I think of, Zayn is some how involved, I'll think of a memory then I think of Zayn. I hate it, I hate that fact I can't forget him and I hate the fact I can't fall out of love wit him. You know what hurts even more? That fact Zayn has a girlfriend, Helen her name is. She doesn’t really look his type, she has light brown hair, pin straight coming down past her waist, my length, and piercing blue eyes, she is very, very slim and very pretty. You might want to know how I know Zayn has a girlfriend. Well considering he is part of a world famous boy band, they can't do or say anything with out it reaching the papers. So when I saw the picture of him and Helen kissing, it killed me, it felt like I had been stabbed. The pain still lingers in my body whenever I see a picture of them, or I see picture of Zayn.

‘Sure, I'll tell Jed, and get him to drop me off xxxx’


“Jed?” I call from the kitchen, walking into the living room; Jed is sat on the red leather couch, on his phone laughing.

“Yeah Hun?” he answers, turning around and looking at me, smiling.

“Louis is back from tour, can you drop me off to see him please?” I explained, walking over to him and placing my hands on his shoulder as he stood up from the sofa.

“Sure Hun, anything for you.” He whispers, then pecking my lips, and holding me tightly. Whenever he kisses me, I do like it, but it doesn’t make me feel the same way I use to with Zayn. I don't feel the fireworks, or the butterflies going crazy in my stomach. If you may ask, I have never gotten butterflies in my stomach around Jed, I do like him, and the relationship isn’t a complete lie, but I'm only dating him, so maybe one day I will fall in love with him and I will forget about Zayn. So far it isn’t working.

Jed grabs his keys from the kitchen side and walks me out the door and into his black Audi, opening the passenger door for me; he helps me in then gets in himself. He is such a gentleman to me, he does everything for me, he always tells me he loves me and he always makes sure I'm happy. I always say I'm fine, but deep down I'm not, I'm breaking and I need the cure.

Jed starts the engine and drives out of our 3 story, 4 bed roomed house drive way, going down the road and turning left onto the main road, Jed presses play on the radio, and the song ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ by One Direction, the new boy band that contains my ex boy friend and my two best friends, starts to play. He quickly changes the station when Zayn's voice starts to echo through the speakers of the car. All I heard was ‘so co-come on, you got it wrong, to prove I'm right I put it in a so-o-ong.’. But even hearing that little of his voice sends tears to my eyes and the butterflies to break free once again.

Quickly blinking away the tears, I look at Jed, his green eyes are glued to the road, his eyebrows frowned as he concentrates, and he takes one hand off the wheel and takes hold of my hand, giving it a little squeeze. Jed turns his head and smiles at me, and kisses my cheek while we sit at the traffic lights waiting for the lights to change to green. The travel time from Doncaster to London, is around three hours, and the ride does drag by. Mostly because I'm so anxious to see Louis and Liam, and the slight chance of seeing Zayn send my blood pleasure flying through the roof.

If Zayn found out that Liam and Louis still got to see me and have done for the last two years he would flip. Apparently when I left he was a wreck, he didn’t come out and he didn’t do anything, but then when he went to college and he met Helen and everything has changed. Louis still knows I'm in love with Zayn and so does Liam, Liam being the sensible one he is, told me to tell Zayn, but I can't face actually seeing Zayn face to face.

“You ok babe?” Jed asks, squeezing my hand, freeing me from my thoughts, turning my head and smiling as Jed continues to stare at the road.

“I'm fine, just thinking,” I inform him,

“About what?” he frowns,

“How lucky I am,” I lie, looking dead ahead of me, the thing is Zayn always knew when I was lying, but Jed, he never does, he believe everything I say.

Cyberspace (A Zayn Malik Love Story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now