Chapter 10

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Zayn's P.O.V

Its 4 30 in the morning, and I haven’t slept a wink, not because I can't sleep, but because I don't want too. Who would want to sleep when you have the most beautiful girl in the world in your arms, sleeping? She’s so oblivious to how I feel about her, but I don't know weather that is a good thing or a bad thing, I haven’t decided yet.

When Hailey ran out the house after I told her, I was so pissed of with myself; I ended up beating the shit out of my hand by punching the wall. Now I have split knuckles, it hurts but it doesn’t hurt as much as knowing that Hailey’s hurting, even if she is happy. I know that at the back of her head that she is upset and I know she is just covering it up. But I want her to just be fine, I want her to be able to be happy and not have a care in the world.

When she came home with Harry, and then he kissed her cheek and got her number, I was so jealous.  Actually that’s an understatement, I know Harry doesn’t know I like her and she is free to like him too. I want Hailey, but if she is happy with Harry and not me, I'm fine with it. I'm not going to stop her from dating him if it makes her happy, it will kill me to watch them date though.

Maybe I should tell Hailey how I feel about her? But its only been a week since I’ve stopped being harsh to her, and then I tell her I like her? You can't to do that Zayn, that’s crazy, talk about head fucking. Hailey stirs in her sleep once in a while, but she is so peaceful when she sleeps. She looks so angelic and innocent, her chest raising and falling, her hair in perfect place covering her chest, curving over her breasts.

My phone vibrated, Harry. ‘Hey, is Hailey ok now? She seemed really upset when I found her? What happened! Tell her I hope she is ok. Cheers mate’. Reading this made my fists tighten, making me want to throw my phone out the window, making me want Harry to just disappear.


It’s now 8am and I have been awake all night watching Hailey sleep, is that pedoish? I hope not because I didn’t mean it like that, I done it because when she sleeps in my arms, and she is happy, its better than my dreams. Does that sound cheesy? I don't know but it is the truth and I don’t care what anyone else says. I have fallen for Hailey, and I have decided that some day soon, I'm going to tell her. I don't know where, or when, but I know I am going to tell her and make sure she knows I do, and she believes it.

Mum stayed out all day, and all my sisters are away on holiday with my dad, which means that Hailey and I have the house to ourselves again. I don't want to go out today, not because I tired, but simply I don't want too, but if Hailey wants to go out I will. I will do anything for her, anything. Its Friday today, which means I have the weekend with her too, then we have school for three weeks, and then it’s the summer holidays, we have finished school, forever. But I'm going into college; I know that much for sure.

Hailey's eyes fluttered open, and she looks directly at me and smiles, which causes the butterflies that have been in my stomach all night to go crazy. I smile back playing it cool, as she sits up and flattens down her bed hair, which made her look even more sexy. Is it weird to say that I just want to kiss her? I don't know, but every time I see her, I just want to place my lips on hers and never let her go. When I hug her, I want to stay in that moment for ever, but it’s over way to quickly and I have to let go.

“Morning,” she spoke sleepily, her morning voice in tact.

“Morning,” I reply, smiling at her.

Cyberspace (A Zayn Malik Love Story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now