Chapter 20

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Hailey's P.O.V
"Louis William Tomlinson, I am bored! entertain me bitch!" I exclaim, nudging him in the side, causing him to fall sideways. "Careful,"I roll my eyes, offering my hand.
"Well, if you stop being so violent, we could play a game?" Louis offers, smiling at me, as Zayn comes and sits beside me.
"A game? Really Louis, we aren't kids!" Liam says, rolling his eyes then returning his glaze back to his phone.
"I mean, truths, 21 dares, or truth or dare, twat," Louis snaps,
"Truth or dare." We all agree, then sit in a circle, Louis on my left, Zayn on my right, Liam next to Zayn, then Niall and then Harry.

The ramps metal are starting to burn my legs through my red jeans, sliding around so I am sat on the shaded part of the ramp. A old man, with excessive grey hair covering his face like it is a mask,a brown ancient coat hanging loosely around his frail body, and a walking stick in his left hand,walks over to the ramp.
"This isn't a hang out!" He bellows at us,
"Err, yes it is?" I question him, 
"Yes, it is old man." Liam snaps,
"I'll be reporting you!"

The mans walks away, the tapping of his walking stick hitting the floor sounding again. Louis turns back around so he is facing into the circle like the rest of us, he starts to wiggle his eyebrows at me. Harry on Louis right, keeps staring at me, his curls hanging down around his eyes, but I can still see his eyes directing at me.
"Right Hailey, truth or dare?" Louis asks, making everyone look at me.
"Ummm, truth."
"Boring," Louis fake yawns, "have you ever had sex?" He added.
"What?" Harry exclaims, looking taken back by the answer,
"What's the problem?" Zayn glares at him, his grip of my hand tightening.
"Err... Nothing... Its just I didn't expect her to have had sex..." Harry quietens, looking down at his lap, shrugging it off, I take my phone out of my pocket and check my messages. One Message. "You look fit today;)" from Harry, what the hell!
"Ermm... Harry, truth or dare?" I ask, looking over at Harry, then the boys do too.
"Why do you keep texting me?"
"I don't?"
"When you chose truth, you tell the truth,"

I didn't reply, but I roll my eyes, then slip my phone back in my pocket, looking over to Zayn, he is already looking at me, his brown eyes locking glaze with mine. He leans down and gently pecks my lips, then pulls me into his warm body, his sweet smelling cologne filling my nose, sending tingles down my spine.

The game carried on for an hour or so then we all got bored, the game consisted of Zayn and I have to make out in front of the boys. Liam having to call Danielle, the girl he met at the prom, and tell her he likes her. Niall having to give me his crisps to eat and Louis having to kiss Harry. I found out that Harrys still a virgin, Louis owns 12 chick flicks, Liam has kissed a 40 year old women, Zayn owns 6 bottles of hairspray and Harry has dated a 35 year old women. I'm not going to lie, knowing all of this, it is very concerning, but boys will be boys.

Harry left first, then Niall followed by Liam and Louis, leaving Zayn and I sat on the ramp, Zayn's hand wrapped around my waist and pulls me onto his lap, my head laying on his chest.
"When is your mum coming back?" I ask, leaning my head further into zayn's chest as he leans on the metal railings of the ramp.
"Next week sometime," he sighs, playing with my fingers,
"Oh," is all I say, letting him play with my fingers and rubbing them softly.

My phone started to ring, its Louis,
"Hey Lou! What's up?"
"Well I thought I should tell you. But Harrys told me that he is going to do anything to split you and Zayn up."
"I know,"
"Oh, well I'm going to talk to him, ok?"
"Cheers Lou"
"See you sometime later?"

I hang up, letting out a little groan as I do, what is his problem! Doesn't he get I DON'T like him, and never will.
"Who was that?" Zayn asks, kissing my cheek,
"Harry told Louis that he is going to do whatever he can to split us up." I breathe
"Dickhead." He snarls, I can hear his heartbeat quicken, and his whole body tense.
"I know," I agreed, as I did this, a girl our age, Jess, the blonde slapper of the school approaches where we are sat on the ramp. Her black pencil skirt hardly covering her bum, and her tightly crop top to small, making her boobs to stick out of the top. Her now orange hair from failing to dye it blonde and the cakey make up coverings her spot prone skin. The scratching of her black 7inch heels scrapping along the metal ramp because she can't walk in them and the streaky fake tanned orange legs. She looks like she has just came from a fancy dress party.

I couldn't help but let out a laugh as she failed to walk over to us and fell head first into the dirt, Zayn done the same, holding his mouth with his hand to prevent him from laughing. Picking herself back up again Jess continues to walk over to us until she is standing right infront of us.
"Zayn, your standards have dropped, why would you date the thing?" She snarls, placing her hands on her hips, glaring at me as she says it. A stabbing feeling acurs in my chest, a lump appears in my throat, and my eyes start to water.
"Actually jess, you have no idea how lucky I am to have a girl like Hailey, that he beautiful without make up, that doesn't throw herself at whatever boy she sees, and she don't cake herself in make up. So my standards did drop when I dated you, yeah." Zayn snaps, holding me even more protectively then he did before. The lump in my throat disappears, the same with the stabbing feeling and my watering eyes. I started to chuckle at Jess's face, she looks gobsmacked, like she has just been slapped, even her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment.
"What you laughing at Griffins." She sneers at me, 
"Oh nothing, just some slapper that has wotsits for legs, an orange for her face and orange juice hair." I smile, still chuckling as anger reaches her face.
"Well at least my parents care about me." She snarls, her fists clenching. I felt my heart starting to race, Zayn's grip tighting even more around me, and my skin crawling. That's it, standing up, I slide down the ramp, so I'm stood face to face with Jess, the smell of her cheep perfume feeling my nose making me want to feel sick.
"Yeah, my parents might not care about me, but your parents are obviously ashamed of you." I snap, mine and Jess's noses centimetres away from eachother. 

Then I feel my cheek heat up and sting, Jess's hands flying across my face, the agression on her face was clear that my last comment got to her. Holding my right cheek, I glare at her, 
"What's the matter? The truth hurts?" I ask, fluttering my eyelashes, as she glares at me.
"You're going to pay for that slut, watch your back." She threatens, then scutters a long the metal ramp onto the tarmak then out the park. The shuffling movement, meaning she can only take baby steps, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist as my eyes started to water. The strong, tan arms pulling me into his body, of course it was Zayn.
"I'm so sorry, I know I should of said something or defended you, but I thought if you stood up for yourself she would of left. I'm so sorry Hailey." Zayn pleads, turning my body around so I'm facing him, his eyes are filled with sorrow and his lips curving downwards.
"Its fine," I whisper, then smacking my lips on his soft smooth ones. 

Cyberspace (A Zayn Malik Love Story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now