Chapter 7

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Hailey's P.O.V

“Hahaa, we are going to get into so much trouble!” Zayn exclaimed as we climbed the rocks which clearly said we were not allowed to climb.

“Aww! Is Zayn scared?” I teased, poking my tongue out at him, and then climbing up another rock.

“No, but I don't want you getting into trouble!” he persisted, rolling his eyes and joined me on the rock I am standing on.

“Believe me; I have been in a fair share of trouble.” I admitted, not letting on what I have actually been I trouble with.

“Oh yeah? Like what?” Zayn observed, turning to face me, his head towering over mine, causing me to look up, hurting my neck.

“You’ll find out soon enough.” I teased even more, and then climbed another couple of rocks, to find I was at the top of the mountain of large rocks. We are around 10 meters above the ground, when you are at the bottom looking up it doesn’t look that high, but when you do reach the top, you realise it is actually just a little bit high.

My thoughts are interrupted by Zayn nudging me as he reached the top, standing next to me looking out to the sea as the waves rose and fell, crashing against each other. Then attacking the shore line, dragging with it, seaweed and other plants, and then retracting back.

“How does it feel?” Zayn asked, startling me as I was not expecting a conversion to start yet.

“How does what feel?” I observed, confusedly.

“To live life, always feeling glum and upset, not having a thing go right and just wanting to give up all the time?” Zayn added, looking directly at me as I looked out to the horizon.

“Honestly?” I asked looking at Zayn, who nodded indicating for me to carry on. “It makes you want to just leave, when you go to bed each night, you pray and wish that you wake up the next day everything will be ok, but you know the back of your head that it won’t be. You wonder all the time if there will ever be a time in life when someone asks how you are; your answer isn’t ‘bad’ or lying about how you feel, but you tell the perfect truth and say ‘fine’. Seeing people smiling, with their friends, hugging their mums, it makes you feel lonely, like no ones cares. But it’s the truth, who would care?” I blurted out, not actually think about what I was saying, but just saying my mind.

“I care.” Zayn noted, still looking directly at me.

“I know,” I responded looking down at feet.

“Just making sure you know,” Zayn silently mentioned, before taking my hand squeezing my hand tightly and smiling at me. “What do you want to do now? Its 3 o’clock!” Zayn said, checking his watch which is placed on his left arm.

“I don't know, what do you want to do...” I questioned unsurely, slightly concerned on Zayn's reply.

“Why don't you go and sit on the sand for a while?” Zayn offered.

“Sounds good...” I replied, releasing my hand from Zayn's grip, and then climbing down from the rocks. Zayn followed me and sat down beside me on the sand. A silence lingered in the air for a while, we both looked out to the sea, but then my stomach start to churn, and gurgle. I know exactly what’s going to happen now; I need to find a toilet before I'm sick on the beach in front of Zayn, making an idiot of myself.

“Hey Zayn, where’s the toilet?” I asked, quickly, holding my stomach.

“Over there,”Zayn pointed out, pointing over in the direction of my left. I could run it... I just nodded, got up and sprinted all the way to the toilets, making it into the cubicles of the ladies toilets and locking it. Then puking up the insides of my guts all in the toilets.

Once I was finished being sick, I came out of the cubicle and walked to the mirror and sink, I washed my hands, then fixed my make up. Taking out a mint, I popped it into my mouth and sunk it straight away, and then sprayed the HOLISTER spray over me, to cover over the horrid sickey smell. Exiting the toilets I walked over to where Zayn and I were sat, realising that I have been 20 minutes. How am I going to dig myself out of this one? That is if Zayn clicks on, hopefully he won’t. I got to where Zayn is sat, and I sat down beside him, Zayn looked directly at me and frowned.

“Sorry, there was a queue,” I lied,

“No there wasn’t... Hailey, what’s wrong? Have you been sick again? You look really pale!” Zayn replied worriedly.

“I'm fine...” I stuttered, how could Zayn just clicked on that I was sick, what the hell?

“That’s the second time you’ve been sick today Hailey, you sure feel ok?” Zayn asked.

“I'm fine!” I loudly reassured Zayn, a little too loud.

“But you’re not Hailey, that’s the thing...” he replied whispering.

“Sorry, but I'm not use to people worrying about me all the time.” I stated, feeling ashamed with myself for shouting at Zayn.

“How long have you been being sick for?” Zayn asked,

“A couple of weeks, its nothing.”I said, trying to sound like it was nothing.

“I think you should go to the doctors about it Hailey.” Zayn told me, like he wasn’t giving me a choice.

“It’s fine seriously, stop worrying.” I said.

“That I can't do.. Now I'm hungry, want to get some food? Or can't you stomach it?” Zayn said, back tracking on what he just said.

“Yeah, I'm hungry.” I replied. I’m not lying, I am hungry. I stood up from the sand and Zayn done the same, and then we walked off the beach to find a cafe.

Cyberspace (A Zayn Malik Love Story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now