Ch 1: How It Began

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I don't know how it started exactly; it all blurs together. At first, Lance and I were "rivals" and he competed with me incessantly (and still does). I never really understood why he was so adamant on "winning" when I never saw him as a competitor, but I went along with it. While he was annoying and constantly egged me on, after he had gotten injured that day protecting Shiro and I held him, something changed. At least for me anyway.

Getting close to others was something I'd never been good at. I'd always held people at a comfortable distance and left before I got too attached. While it isn't the best way to go about things, I never felt too sore over it. In my mind, I'd always figured that people who allowed themselves to get their hearts broken were weak. I could never understand why anyone would do that to themself. Other people are unreliable and they will always leave or not like you as much as you like them. Thinking any otherwise leads you to getting hurt. There's no need to cure heartache when you take the preventative measures in the first place.

Since I'd always functioned this way, Lance got too close before I could shove him away and it startled me. While I never would have regarded Lance as a potential mate or even a potential friend, when I had seen him vulnerable and when he had smiled at me and said we make a good team, I felt an aching I'd never felt before. Despite being scared of feeling so close to someone, I always felt slightly giddy. When he had gotten healed and forgotten what had happened and we were put back to square one, I felt horrible. I felt like an idiot.

The team smiled and Shiro gave me a sympathetic look. I must have looked as wrecked as I felt inside. Despite the moment being short lived, I'd never felt closer to anyone in my life. In that moment, I suddenly felt like I'd been missing an intimacy I'd never knew I needed or even wanted. While Lance ate his food, I walked away and into my room. Guess it didn't mean anything to him to think he'd forget it so soon.

Once I made my way to my room, I sat on my bed and sighed. Lance has always hated me anyway. He probably thought I was Allura or something, being injured and delirious. While these thoughts flooded my mind, I felt my throat itch. I brought my left hand to my throat and felt my eyes water as I began to cough. After about nearly a minute of coughing, I brought my other hand from my mouth and saw...a pale pink petal?

"What the fuck," I wheezed, my voice raspy from the coughing fit. I turned on my light to look closer at the petal. There's was no denying that it was from a flower. Did that just come out of me?! What the hell is this?

I must be sleep deprived. I dropped the petal to the floor and layed down on my mattress. Sleep came quickly to my luck. 

This is short! I'm sorry! I just started writing this on a whim! I'll probably make chapters longer in the future. Please let me know if this story is worth continuing at all! I don't want to waste anyone's time. 

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