Ch 2: What?

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I awoke to a knock on my door. Mumbling a string of curses under my breath, I got up to turn on the lights and open the door to reveal Hunk smiling as he told me that he had made breakfast for everyone.

"Okay, I'll be down there in a few," I replied. Hunk just nodded and told me to hurry down before it got cold.

As I turned around to start getting ready, my eye wandered to the floor to look for my shoes which I had carelessly kicked off the other night. As I searched, my eyes widened as I saw a petal on the floor.

For reasons beyond me, I'd nearly forgotten about that weird incident the other day and assumed I had dreamed it, but the evidence of it was right in front of me. It was the sort of situation that was so profound that you couldn't bring yourself to be worried. The only thing I could bring myself to think is 'what the hell?'

Shaking my head, I continued to get ready and found my shoes. It's probably nothing. I made my way out of my room to the kitchen shortly after everyone else was already there.

"'Bout time, hothead!" Lance yelled while shoveling food into his mouth. His tone sounded smug, as if beating me to breakfast was a victory on his part. While looking at Lance, I felt my throat begin to itch once again. I furrowed my brows and left as abruptly as I came in.

"Where is he going?" I heard Pidge say as I turned the corner.

When I made my to the nearest bathroom, I began to cough. My throat was burning and I felt tears going to my eyes. I felt like I was choking. I coughed for what felt like hours, but was actually only a little over a minute. When I opened my eyes, there were several petals littering the floor. "What the fuc-"

"Hey, are you sick?" I heard Pidge through the door. In a slight panic, I rubbed my eyes with the back of my sleeve and immediately picked up the petals and threw them in the toilet and flushed before opening the door. My gaze was averted as I felt her examining me. "You look like shit," Pidge said bluntly and sighed a bit, "I could bring your breakfast to your room if you aren't feeling well."

She must think I have a cold of some sort; I inwardly sighed with relief. "Yeah, that'd be good..." Suddenly, I realized that if anyone could help me, it would be Pidge. I outwardly cringed at the thought of how crazy I would sound.

Pidge seemed to notice my awkward demeanor because she asked, "Something on your mind?"

I hesitated. I really would sound crazy. Or even worse, maybe I was crazy. Okay. I just need to bring it up hypothetically. "Yeah... it's..." I sighed, "nevermind. I think I'm just a bit sick." Good going, Keith.

Squinting her eyes, she sighed in defeat and told me to head to my room and she'd get me some medicine. I mumbled a pathetic thanks before making my way back.

While in my room, I wondered what this could be. I had never been like this until Lance- Lance. When thinking of him, I felt my throat itch again and I suddenly felt a heavy feeling in my chest. He doesn't like me and I never cared about that until now and it bugged me to say the least. Even if he had no idea how much that bonding moment meant to me, he didn't care. Or maybe he did know it was important and just decided to not care. My throat was burning.

It hurt. My eyes began to water and I began to choke. Quickly sitting up, I coughed and gagged. Outside my door, I heard a faint knocking and I began to panic greatly. I couldn't bring myself to say anything as petals came up my throat and onto my floor. Struggling, I fell off my bed and my knees hit the floor roughly.

The sound of a fall was enough for the green palladin to open the door and come in, "Keith, are you oka-" She stopped in place when she saw him hunched over flower petals, coughing furiously. In alarm, she ran over and began to pat my back, dropping the medicine along the way.

After a few minutes, I began to reign in control over myself. My voice was incredibly broken so I remained silent, bracing myself for Pidge's reaction. As I looked down at the colorful mess I'd made, I saw speckles of red on some of the petals. Delightful.

"I never knew it was real," I heard Pidge say in almost awe, but with worry tied into her voice.

Keeping my eyes on the floor, I replied hoarsely, "What?"

"I'll explain in a bit. First, clean yourself up." Pidge grabbed my arm urging me to get up. I brushed her off and got up on my own, my throat aching terribly. When I went into the bathroom, I saw a couple bloodstained petals around my lips. I wiped my mouth. My eyes looked dead. I looked totally wrecked.

Sighing, I walked out and looked at a very worried looking Pidge. I felt like a bug being inspected because her eyes kept glancing from the petals to me. Feeling a retort on my lips, I swallowed it back because being rude wasn't going to help me right now. Besides, Pidge has always been one of the most decent people on the ship asides from Shiro.

"Have you ever heard of Hanahaki disease, Keith?"

I'm so sorry, this is so bad. I wrote this in a little under 15 minutes. I suck at writing so much. I hate this but to fix this would mean to alter the entire story because my writing is entirely faulty. Such poor story telling.

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