Ch 5: Lance Appears

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Upon seeing the training deck empty, I sighed in relief but also felt the tiniest bit of disappointment. Shrugging it off, I turned on the simulation.

For once, my mind was blank of Lance because all I could focus on was the pseudo-enemies. I didn't feel sick or hurt. My mind went to a delectable state of emotional numbness and focus.

While distracted, I failed to notice the door opening, revealing the person who I simultaneously wanted to see the least and the most.

Lance caught my attention by activating his bayard and walking beside me, joining the fight.

All I could look at was him. All my resolution and focus went down the drain as I watched him fight. I saw his mouth move but I couldn't hear what he said. My heart was bursting at his company.

My thoughts soon were cut off as I was knocked to the ground by one of the enemies. Lance immediately yelled to stop the simulation.

"I told you to watch out!" Lance half-shouted in frustration. I mindlessly stared at him. "Jeez, Keith, what has been going on with you?"

My mouth tried to form words but I couldn't get anything out. I looked like a dumbfounded fish as I kept opening and shutting my mouth.

Lance, sighed in a fake annoyance and moved to sit a comfortable distance from the red paladin. "You're worrying everyone." What Lance had originally wanted to say was that Keith was worrying him. The rest of the paladins, while concerned, weren't as worried as Lance. Lance spent years looking up to Keith and his sudden absence stood out to him the most.

My eyes hesitantly glanced to Lance and I turned away. In a weak voice I could hardly recognize as my own, I mumbled "Sorry."

Lance could tell something was wrong and it made him incredibly nervous. Not well suited for this situation, he tried to shrug off his nerves as he stood up. In a forced boastful tone, Lance spoke, "Well come on. You've gotten a bit rusty. I bet I can beat more of these strange hologram thingies than you can!"

When challenging me, Lance had held out his hand for me to grab. I stared at it and wondered what it would be like to hold it in my own. Attempting to reach out to it, I faltered and stopped myself.

I looked up quickly at Lance's face and he just looked confused. Lance pulled back his hand and shouted, "Whatever. Just get up and train with me."

Looking down at my hand, I immediately regretted hesitating when Lance offered his own. Lance was already turned around and I was struck with the realization that I'm probably acting like an idiot. My throat started to burn and my chest tightened. I'm embarrassing myself in front of him. He probably thinks I'm a freak. What could he be thinking? I'm just making him hate me more than he already does-

Feeling the petals lodged in my throat, I got up quickly and sprinted out. I heard Lance shouting, but I ran til I was safe in my room.

I felt like I was suffocating. After a bit of dry heaving, I felt whatever it was leave my throat. I wiped my mouth and opened my eyes. What I saw was a full rose and a few petals.

My hand cupped the ruby rose and I immediately felt disgusted. I dropped it back down and suddenly felt the urge to vomit. Not flowers, but just out of disgust and humiliation.

Attempting to swallow the urge, I heard a knocking at my door. In a panic, I shoved the rose and petals under my bed and hit my shin hard on the way to open my door. I cursed at myself as I let the door come open.

At the door stood Lance with my sword in his arms. I realize that I must have left it in my panic. "You forgot this."

I wrote this just upon waking up on my phone, unlike my other updates which I posted via computer! I just wanted to say that I feel so lucky to have people who are enjoying my story.
I'm so thankful to lollipop1924 who originally helped me build the confidence I needed to post this story in the first place! Also for being my first reader!! I'm so happy for it!
And also to KendrahDawson who sent me a bunch of encouraging messages and made me feel valued!
This chapter was pretty short and maybe kind of crappy, but this is also where the story begins to pick up. Sorry if it's ooc!

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