Ch 9: Pidge's Plan

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Hunk and Pidge loomed over me distressed. I wiped my eyes and mouth quickly and turned away from them both.

Keith's condition was worsening at an extremely frightening rate. With the look of how much blood was laying in the mix of roses, Pidge could only guess that thorns were also developing.

In a rush, tired of Keith's avoidant behavior in such a situation where time was of the essence, she told Hunk, "Take Keith over there," she pointed to a lake of sorts, "I'll be right back."

Before I could even bring myself to protest, she walked quickly back into the party. The only thing I could think was that I was doomed. There's no way Pidge is letting this go.

While trapped in my thoughts, Hunk spoke, "Listen, Keith..." he paused a bit and I looked at him, "You, uh- Can you walk?"

I squinted my eyes, almost offended at the question, "Of course I can. My legs are fine." I immediately stood up a bit too fast, wobbling a bit but regaining my composer.

"Okay, that's good!" Hunk sighed a bit, "I was worried you might be anemic, because that's uh-" he felt like he was going to hurl but bit it back, "That's quite a bit of blood."

Keith for once turned his head to the flowers and realized that it really was a lot of blood. Through his tears and the redness of the roses, he hadn't really noticed it.

Hunk was surprisingly calm throughout this situation which irked Keith's nerves. Little had Keith known, despite Pidge never out front telling Hunk about Keith's condition, she had asked him for help in researching it with the excuse of it being something she had a sudden piqued interest in.

Seeing Keith in this state, while incredibly worrisome, put all the pieces together in his mind. It was highly unlike Pidge to have sudden interest in a disease that she hadn't believed existed in any of the years they knew each other.

Suddenly remembering that Pidge had asked them to move elsewhere, Hunk sighed in relief at noticing that the flower-blood medley had been made near the side of the door, not easily seen unless looking for it. The idea of at all cleaning it up would make him vomit, which would just make the situation worse.

Hunk spoke in a gentle tone, "Let's head over to the lake. I don't know what Pidge is up to but it's probably best to wait for her there. You're gonna be okay."

I am feeling anything but okay. There was no way in hell that anything about this situation could be described as "okay." I shrugged the comment off and began heading to the pond. Hunk quickened his pace to keep up.

Meanwhile, Pidge had made her way into the overly crowded party. Being as short as she was, her way through the crowd was anything but graceful, mumbling many "excuse me's" while moving past the party-goers.

Finally she had found Lance who had since moved on to another alien girl. Lacking the patience, Pidge grabbed Lance's arm, "Hey, I need your help."

Lance rolled his eyes, "Pidge, can't you see I'm a little busy?"

Annoyed, Pidge turned to the alien girl Lance was with, "I'm sorry but I'm gonna borrow him for a few minutes." Lance tried to quickly object but Pidge pulled him away.

Walking at a brisk pace out of the party, Lance whined, "Pidge, why did you do that?" Pidge did not answer and instead quickened her pace. Lance found himself struggling to keep up. How can such short legs move so fast?

Out the doors of the party, Pidge slowed her pace a bit and walked a bit more leisurely to the lake. Beside it were Hunk and Keith; Keith sat down throwing small items like rocks into it, while Hunk sat beside him.

Hunk looked back at Pidge and she gave a little nod to him as he stood up. Pidge spoke indifferently, "Keith is feeling under the weather and I need you to stay here with him." The sentence was pointed towards Lance.

I felt shell-shocked. They were going to leave me alone with Lance? Before Lance could whine and complain about it, I spoke up a bit weakly, "That's not necessary. I'm already feeling better."

Pidge shot daggers at Lance as he suddenly shouted in agreement, "See? It's not necessary because he doesn't feel sick anymore!" Lance tried to walk away from the situation to be stopped by Hunk's arm.

"Hunk?!" Lance shouted in a betrayed tone, "I thought we were friends."

After a solid 5 minutes of convincing, Lance had taken a seat about 2 feet away from me and Pidge and Hunk had left.

"This is so stupid." He huffed in annoyance while trying to halfheartedly skip rocks.

Despite being glad he was there, I knew he wasn't glad to be here so I spoke, "You can leave."

Somehow interpreting my tone as a challenge, Lance scoffed, attitude changing completely, "As if I'd let you have this spot to yourself," Lance suddenly beamed a mischievous grin in my direction, "Do you know how to skip rocks?"

The next chapter is going to be entirely Keith/Lance, ha ha! I'm so excited to write it! I know the story has been incredibly slow so I appreciate the people reading it! I know I've been saying this for a while but I really mean it when I say that the story will be picking up from this point. I thought the filler was necessary to build on Keith's Hanahaki and also to not make the story paced too fast. Anyways, thank you for reading! I update very frequently so the next chapter will probably be uploaded later today.

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