Ch 15: Goodnight

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Throughout these days, the team got increasingly worried. Both for Lance and Keith. Lance was neglecting his own health as his focus became solely aimed at Keith. Hunk would regularly make meals for Lance and bring them to him, but he'd hardly touch them. The team was desperate for Keith to wake up for not just his own sake, but for Lance's as well.

Lance had much time to reflect on his feelings and Keith. On the fourth night, Lance spoke to Keith, like he usually did, "I care about you a lot, Keith." He leaned his cheek on the cryptopod, "I am going to tell you everything when you can hear it, okay? Because you're gonna wake up and you're going to be okay, okay?"

As he had been doing these days, Lance fell asleep beside Keith, covered in a blanket.

I felt myself opening my eyes, seeing the communication room. Blinking slowly, I heard a swish as I fell down onto my knees, too weak to support my own weight. I rubbed my head as I looked down at a waking Lance. "Lance?" My voice was shaky, being unused for such a long time.

Lance audibly gasped and immediately shot up pulling me into an embrace. "Keith, please don't ever scare me like that again." I felt wetness on my shoulder and I tried to push Lance away weakly, unable to move him. I felt his body shake as it rocked with sobs.

"Lance, what's wrong?" I was starting to get concerned, as I'd never seen Lance like this before. I half expected to wake up from a dream at any moment.

Keeping his hands on my shoulders, he pulled away to look at my face. His face was puffy and red, tears running down steadily. Despite the tears, he smiled, speaking through the sobs, "I'm just so relieved."

I held my gaze with Lance, unable to look away. I couldn't bring myself to speak, afraid of somehow ruining this. My chest felt tight and my heart was racing a million miles an hour. I suddenly felt worried thinking he would be able to feel it. I looked down and saw my blood stained shirt. My breath hitched, suddenly remembering my Hanahaki moved to the last stage.

Lance's eyes, never leaving my face, noticed my expression, and spoke, "You're going to be okay, but, uh," he removed a hand from my shoulder, rubbing his neck, slightly bashful as he spoke, "you probably want to change, right?"

I nodded and tried to stand before falling forward onto Lance, who merely used his arms to grab me and support my weight better. "You've been in there for 4 and a half days so you may need to adjust for a few minutes." It was the middle of the night, so the other paladins were not awake, which Lance was very grateful for because he wanted alone time with Keith before everyone else bombarded him.

I felt my face heating up as my cheek rested on Lance's chest. I could feel his heartbeat. It flooded my ears, making me suddenly feel safe. Remembering the state of my clothes, with regained strength, I pushed myself off his chest, my face still red, as I mumbled, "Sorry. I probably should change."

Lance nodded and stood up, holding his hand out to me. Again, like that day in the training center, I brought my hand up and hesitated. Unlike that time though, Lance grabbed my hand and when I looked up at him, he smiled at me. "Come on," he pulled me up. I stumbled a bit but eventually regained my balance.

Glancing away, I mumbled nervously, "Thank you." I had no idea what was happening but all I knew that is if this was a dream, I hoped to never wake up.

We made our way down the hallway, Lance keeping to my side til we reached my door. He stood by my door and told me to tell him when I was done changing.

Lance stood by my door and smiled a bit to himself. He realized that he never knew how cute Keith could be. Had he always been that shy? Lance sighed and wished he could have paid more attention sooner but quickly tried to shake the thought. No, he assured himself in his head, I'm focusing on what I can do right now, not what I should have done.

I eventually poked my head out the door and tapped Lance on the shoulder, wishing I wasn't acting so timid. The way Lance was acting towards me right now was everything and I didn't want to risk messing it up.

Lance smiled at me, "Want to come to my room? Your uh..." he trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck. I knew what he was referring to. My bed was a wreck from before, still bloodstained, covered in thorns and red roses.

I shrugged, a blush creeping over my face once again, "I don't know." The truth is that I desperately wanted to spend more time with Lance right now, but I was scared beyond belief.

Noticing my hesitation, Lance grabbed my hand, "You woke me up in the middle of the night and I'm tired, okay?" Lance began pulling me, "Your bed is out of commission so you can stay in my room tonight."

My face went bright red. Lance is holding my hand and "There's only one bed." I spoke it without meaning to in embarrassment.

Lance felt a slight blush make its way to his face as he waved his hand in the air as if to show it wasn't a big deal, "It'll be fine." His heart raced at the thought of it, but he tried to brush it off; he was determined.

They had made it to Lance's door to reveal a fairly messy room, but not chaotically messy. There was just a few garments of clothes laying on his floor and his shelves were unorganized visibly. Upon seeing it though, Lance let go of Keith's hand and threw his clothes in the laundry basket, before laughing a bit, "You're a bit more organized than I am so sorry about that."

"No!" I added a bit too loudly, cringing at my voice before lowering it, "I mean, it's fine. I don't mind."

Smiling, Lance sighed, "That's good." His demeanor turned a bit more unsure as he mumbled, "So, uh, you're fine sleeping in my bed, right?"

I mumbled softly, "It's fine if you're okay with it. I'm actually kind of tired too," it was a half lie, admittedly. I spent 4 and a half days sleeping but I knew I'd give anything to sleep beside Lance.

Nodding, Lance climbed into the bed and patted the space beside him. I blushed and crawled in hesitantly, keeping a bit of distance between us. I heard Lance mumble something under his breath and then put his arms around my waist, pulling me to his chest. My heart absolutely couldn't take it.

I heard him sigh softly into my hair, "Goodnight, Keith."

Blushing, I murmured, "Goodnight."

My forehead rested on his chest and I could feel his heart beat, the sound and sensation of it filled my head. Before I knew it, it lulled me into a peaceful sleep.

This was unbelievably fun to write. Have a good night or day (It's night for me, lol). :)

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