Ch 17: The Stars

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That morning at breakfast, it was spent making idle conversation, mostly catching up, everyone asking about how Keith was feeling and so on. Every now and then Lance and Keith would catch each other's eyes; Keith would look away with a blush while Lance decided that he liked seeing Keith that way. Pidge and Hunk had caught it a couple times and Lance would always laugh it off or change the topic, pointing out how good the food was or asking what they had planned today.

After breakfast, Lance had pulled Keith away from the others, and brought him to the deck. Keith was still newly out of his cryptopod and Lance felt antsy at the idea of being without him after already being apart from him for so long. He blushed at his own thoughts but tried to push it away. All that mattered is that Keith was here now.

"So," I started a bit awkwardly, "What do you want to do here?" Honestly, the idea of being with Lance at this location was giving me nerves. The last time I had been here with Lance was in a dream and despite trying to shove it away, it lingered.

Looking out at the stars, Lance smiled a bit and slid down the wall, sitting with his arms on his knees. "I always like it out here. I know we're surrounded by space all the time and junk but I like it," he laughed a bit, still looking out, "sometimes I forget about how beautiful it is with all the hectic-ness of our missions and our 'saving the universe' but I always feel at ease out here."

I gulped a bit, "Then why come here now?" All I could look at was him and I felt anything but calm.

Lance looked at me and patted the spot by him, "Sit down."

Doing as he asked, I slid down leaving little space between us, unable to speak. I looked out at the black atmosphere, purple accents running through it. Silver littered over the sky, and it looked like a painting. He was right. It was beautiful.

I felt Lance slide a bit over to me, our arms touching, when he spoke again, "I come out here a lot when I just want to think or I need a breather." His eyes continued to gaze at the sky, "I wanted to come out here with you." My heart seemed to be trying to break its way out of my chest and I looked to the side of his face.

His face turned to face mine, and he smiled softly. It felt like his eyes were staring right into my heart but I couldn't find it in myself to turn away. In this area, I saw the stars reflected in his eyes. Right at this moment, Lance was the embodiment of the entire galaxy and I felt like I might float away and get lost in it. 

I followed his eyes as they looked away askance, and he spoke in a whisper, "I missed you, you know?"

All I could manage to think was "don't look away" and I moved my hand to his face. The starry blue eyes moved back to mine. My eyes fell from them to Lance's mouth and I shocked myself by doing so and moved my hand back to my lap turning back to the sky, praying he hadn't noticed it.

Lance continued to stare in Keith's direction, noticing the blush dusting his cheeks. He'd never been more entranced with Keith in his entire life. At this moment, surrounded by the stars, Lance realized that he liked Keith. He wondered how he hadn't realized it before.

"Hey," Lance knew he had spoken it but it felt unworldly, unlike his own voice. He moved his hand to Keith's cheek and turned his face to his own.

I felt myself gulp and I shut my eyes tightly. His fingers slid on my face, giving me goosebumps and I felt absolutely helpless.

Keith had, in his daze, used one of his hands to grip Lance's jacket. Lance stared at Keith in awe. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly parted, a dark blush running over his face. Lance was leaning towards Keith, shutting his own eyes; it was as if he were under a spell, unable to do anything but think about being closer to the boy in front of him.

When I felt his lips touch my own, I immediately melted. It felt like I had been cold my entire life and for the first time, I felt myself enrapt in a comfortable warmth. The kiss was short and sweet, but it felt like static lingered on my lips even after he had leaned back.

Lance's forehead rested on my own and we both found ourselves smiling and eventually laughing. His hand slid from my cheek to my hand which had been gripping his jacket and he squeezed it before interlocking our fingers.

The stars seemed to fade away from both of their minds and they could only focus on each other the rest of the evening. Ironically, Lance found that Keith seemed to bring him ease greater than a galaxy ever had and Keith found out that Lance had a galaxy trapped behind his eyes.

This is not the end to be clear! Lol, I'm so bad at writing these sorts of things. This is merely the REAL start of Keith and Lance's new closeness. On a side note, I may go back later and rewrite my beginning author's note. Not completely change it or anything but tweek it to be a bit less off-putting. Thanks for reading! This has been my least favorite chapter, lol. I am so unhappy with it. :(

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