Ch 6: Concern

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Lance handed me the sword and I took it gingerly, mumbling a thanks. Lance made no move to leave though. He stood in the doorway, looking a bit nervous. 

I walked away to put the sword beside my bed, assuming Lance would take his leave but when I turned around he'd walked a bit more into my room. "Uh," I turned to him, trying to figure out what to say.

"I want to talk to you." Lance said in a rather determined voice, contradicting the uncertainty he was feeling. Lance looked to see Keith who was currently looking like he'd seen a ghost. "You..." Lance paused, unsure of how to continue. "Are you mad at me?"

I'd never seen Lance look so unsure of himself before. He was fidgeting and biting his lip. These details would typically be rather subtle but all Keith could focus on was how unconfident Lance seemed right now. "Lance, I'm not mad at you." 

Lance then looked up and sighed out of relief, "That's good." Turning more serious, he looked away from Keith and asked nonchalantly, "So, Pidge said you're sick?"

Because of you, I thought bitterly. "Yeah, some virus, I guess." 

"You've been sick for a little over a week. Isn't that a long time?" Lance squinted his eyes at Keith, examining him almost, "You don't look very sick. I doubt you even have a fever." 

I scoffed a bit, "Well, what do you care?" I felt a bit hurt at my own words because I realized that that wasn't what I wanted to say, yet I continued, "Lance, I'm tired so you should leave." He knew he sounded angry. He felt the itching in his throat; he wanted Lance gone but he also equally wanted him to stay. 

My eyes drifted to where the rose under my bed was and I felt it laughing at me for being such a fool. Suddenly I felt the urge to cry but I swallowed it back. My throat burned with vigor. 

Lance, taken back at Keith's sudden demeanor, called to him, "Jesus, stop being so moody. I just want to help, you idiot." Lance felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment, "Seriously, what is going on with you?"

Keith, feeling unable to hold back the flowers for much longer, decided to run out his own door as pathetic as it was. Keith was too weak willed to push Lance out of his room. He needed to go to the one person who knew about his condition. 

Lance immediately chased after him, "Keith! What the hell?!" 

I rushed to Pidge's room, without knocking, and slammed the door shut behind me. Pidge looked at me in alarm as I suddenly fell to my knees and coughed up full roses. "Keith!" She shrieked as she ran over to him. His condition is worsening, she thought to herself anxiously. 

Through the door, Lance was shouting some gibberish about how it was a low blow to lock myself in someone else's room. Pidge, looked at me sympathetically once the flowers stopped flowing and told me to go to the bathroom in her room while she dealt with Lance. 

Pidge shoved the roses behind her door with her foot and opened the door to a very disheveled, confused Lance. Through the bathroom, I could hear fragments of their conversation. 

Feeling overly protective, Pidge spoke, "What are you doing to Keith?" Pidge was an overall neutral party and wasn't mad at Lance for any of this. She was however mildly pissed off that she was interrupted from her coding because Lance was pestering Keith somehow. 

"Me?" Lance shouted defensively, "I didn't do anything! He ran out when I was talking to him!" Lance crossed his arms indignantly, and muttered, "Between you and me, I think he is totally faking being sick! He was able to run just fine!"

Pidge huffed in annoyance, "Lance, please.

"No way! He's just as moody as ever! He is avoiding me," Lance glanced a bit to the side. 

Pidge tilted her head and looked at Lance skeptically, "Why are you taking this so personally?" She knew her friend had some weird obsession over Keith, being better than him and whatnot, but she was surprised by Lance's reaction. 

Lance scowled at Pidge's insinuation and defensively half-shouted, "He's my teammate as much as he is anyone else's, Pidgeon." He put his hand over his chest; so over dramatic. "If there's something wrong, I have the right to know what it is!" 

While overhearing the conversation, I felt my cheeks going hot against my will. There's no way I could ever tell Lance about what is happening, but the thought that he may care made me softly smile to myself. 

This chapter is a bit weak, ha ha, I'm sorry. Lance is nosy as ever, lol. I'm not sure how long this story will be and I am aware that it is nothing super special, but it is my first story so it's bound to be a bit under par. I want to keep writing and improving my abilities, as they are not that great at the moment, ha ha. After this chapter, I plan to have many more Lance/Keith interaction. Thank you for being patient and reading this far!

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