Ch 20: Finale

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When we returned from our day trip, the paladins were immediate in asking how it went, revealing that Lance had this planned pretty elaborately, much to his embarrassment. Allura and Pidge insisted on giving me a last x-ray to check if the Hanahaki was completely gone and, to my relief, it was.

Since that day on Pulchra, Lance and I have been inseparable, often earning groans from Pidge due to the PDA. While it turned out that Lance and I did make a good team and were able to work better together, there were also times where our relationship made things a little tedious. However, I wouldn't change it for the world.

I sat on the couch, my legs over Lance's, while the team conversed about plans for some sort of mission. I would have been paying more attention, but Lance kept playing with my hair and whispering pick up lines in my ear, trying to be subtle so we wouldn't get scolded by Shiro, however my red face and giggles were hard to cover.

"Hey, Keith, kiss me if I'm wrong but dinosaurs still exist, right?"

I shoved his chest softly before whisper-laughing back, "Oh, my God, you're a dork. Shut up before we get in trouble!"

He just grinned and moved closer to my ear again to whisper another when we heard a voice aimed at us.

"Are you lovebirds even paying attention?" Pidge whispered to us, pretending to be grossed out by the affection.

Lance immediately looked at me, tsking, "Isn't is so sad to see someone so bitter?" He then turned to Pidge, faking sympathy, placing his hand over his chest, "I'm sure you'll find someone someday, Pidge."

I heard Hunk cough, trying to cover a laugh, when he whispered back, "Oh, my God, Lance."

"What's so funny?" Shiro crossed his arms looking at us.

"Pidge is jealous of me and Keith's dream relationship. She won't let anyone focus," Lance put a hand over his eyes, showing a display of feigned misfortune.

I softly punched his arm, "Oh, my God, Lance, stop it!" I laughed as I said it. It turned out that I laughed a lot nowadays.

Hunk was laughing into his hand as Pidge rolled her eyes, trying to push back a smile. She'd never admit it but she liked Keith and Lance together a lot better than as a rivalry, even if they did find fun in competing with each other every now and then. They both seemed to make each other better individuals. Lance had slowly become more self assured, while Keith became less broody.

"We'll take a break then since everyone seems preoccupied," Shiro narrowed his eyes at Lance, "Let's meet back here in 30 minutes."

As soon as Shiro said it, Lance softly pushed my legs of his lap, and stood up taking my hand. I laughed a bit as Lance began leading me by the hand, bringing me to the deck, where we first kissed.

Lance moved to sit down in the same spot and I followed suit, sitting down next to him. His arm draped over my shoulder and he looked out at the stars. We came to this spot often now, even though Lance insisted that I put the stars to shame; I'd always laugh it off.

Despite not saying it aloud, this was one of my favorite places to be with Lance because the hues of color and stars found themselves at home in his eyes. An entire universe seemed to find itself in Lance and I felt like the luckiest person alive to have a universe to myself to discover. It felt like Lance was a celestial body and I'd been a lone moon, lucky to find myself in his orbit.

I moved my hand to hold his that was draped over my shoulder and he turned his face towards mine, giving a soft smile. It was amazing what a transformation Lance had once we were alone, becoming more sincere and almost shy, whereas around the team he became more bold and dramatic in displays of affection. I loved all sides of Lance, but these moments were definitely my favorite.

Lance moved his other hand to cup the side of my face, a slight pink going over his cheeks, "I don't think I'll ever be able to get used to this," he chuckled quietly, glancing away a bit but bringing his eyes back to mine.

My cheeks always seemed sore nowadays as well from the smiling. Everything Lance did brought a smile to my face. Lance made everything in my life seem so complete, like I had a missing piece that he filled within my soul, making me a better person. The butterflies and the immense feelings of joy when Lance looked at me like I was the only thing that mattered; I'd never be able to get used to it.

Placing my hand over the one that sat on my cheek, I glanced down a bit, my smile never faltering, "I know what you mean. This feels so unreal, like a never ending dream."

Lance moved his hand under my chin, bringing my eyes back to his, smiling like a goofball, "Is it a good dream?"

I laughed and pecked him on the lips softly, answering his question through action, before I spoke quietly, "I love you."

Gently nudging forward, his lips hovering over my own by less than an inch, he spoke, "I love you too, Keith."

When his lips met my own, my eyes fluttered shut, entirely lost in him. Everything around me melted away.

Everyday I was discovering new things I loved about him and everyday he'd find a way to sweep me off my feet. Despite the misfortune that it took to get to this point, I wouldn't change any of it because the outcome I have been met with was even better than anything I could have ever dreamed or hoped for.

Thank you so much for reading my story! I drew that for a bit of extra flare at the end, lol

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Thank you so much for reading my story! I drew that for a bit of extra flare at the end, lol. I think I may do that: post a piece of art work at the end of every story I write? Who knows! I may take a bit of a break while I figure out what I want to write next!
If you want to see more of my art, I have an Instagram which I frequently forget to use, lol. I made it a few months ago and deleted it but brought it back recently, ha ha. My username is banishmate (like on this site). Wow, what a shameful promo, lol.
Anyways! Thank you for getting this far, ha ha. It means the world to me, especially since I feel I dropped the ball in my storytelling recently. Have a wonderful day and feel free to send me a message!

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